Anil Kumar Garg


If I Were The Finance Minister Of India On 10-7-2014...

Books by CA Anil Garg

The new government rode to power with nearly unprecedented public support with huge expectations. People had been simply convinced that Narendra Modi did have concrete plans in his mind to kick start Indian economy for rapid growth. Naturally, all eyes were set on the first budget presented on 10-7-2014.

Unfortunately, it proved to be anti-climax. It did not contain any major policy decisions. There was certainly no game changer. It was an ordinary budge

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For Peace And Prosperity In India

Books by CA Anil Garg


Author is a Chartered Accountant with 32 yrs experience incl. half as entrepreneur. Aggrieved with India’s status as a bottom performer, he has analyzed most issues concerning legal, economic and administrative environments in India preventing it from reaching its potentials. India ranks close to bottom in almost any international surveys when it is one of the handfuls in space launch or super computer technology, resplendent with vast na

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