arpit chhabra


नौजवान की सौच नौजवानो के लिए

Books by शिवम चन्द

नौजवान की सोच नौजवानों के लिए : यह किताब आज के नौजवानों के लिए कि उनकी सोच किसी भी विषय के लिए कया होनी चाहिए 'प्यार'  'ईश्वर के प्रति' 'आपने माता के लिए' 'शिक्षा' और औरतो के प्रति आज क

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A Thought Can Change Your Life

Books by Rajat Khare

Just as the name conveys ‘A thought Can change your life’. Have this ever happened to you that you are just strolling around or going to work or just talking to someone or watching a video and someone just strike up some words at you and that made you rethink your entire life? 
This read can be your everyday dose of looking at everything from a different aspect

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Emotions & Beyond

Books by Sylvester Biswas

This book summarises all that can be constituted in a poet’s and author’s cosmos. The poems, stories and thoughts describes even the undesirable feelings and unseen creatures that can only be found in a writer’s head. Every article is unique in its own way because it’s all the creativeness that huddles into the writers mind all through their lives

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The Perpetual Thoughts

Books by Garvit Bhatanagar

'The Perpetual Thoughts' consists of many poems, stories and Thoughts. He was very devoted towards his book and he is extremely elevated on the launch of his debut book. This book retains wonder creations regarding various topics that are relatable in one daily routine.

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Harmony Of Thoughts

Books by Tuhina Sharma

This anthology consists of 26 co-authors from across india. Each of us has  a different way of expressing our thoughts.

So here we present our book –“Harmony Of Thoughts”

-         By Tuhina Sharma 

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Books by Garima Sharma & Saumoneel Mandal

This anthology consists of 25 co-authors from across India. Each of us has different way of expressing their thoughts. so here we present our book - "SEASONS"

BY- Garima Sharma & Saumoneel Mandal

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