Jahnvvi Kuumar

A penchant for imagining fake scenarios and captivated by beautiful words and stories, it was only natural for Jahnvvi to find her way to writing fiction. An ardent reader from a young age, after her studies at King’s College London and a brief stint working in digital media marketing, Jahnvvi re-discovered her love for books and a desire to create something of her own.   A passionate fangirl who is immersed in pop culture lore, you will find her chronically online when she's not reading or writing.Read More...


The Numerology Answer Book

Books by Priyanka Kuumar

Numerologist Priyanka Kuumar’s motivation behind writing this book is to address the numerous queries she regularly receives about Numerology, its workings, benefits, and more. In her experience, she finds it disheartening when people approach her haphazardly, seeking insights into their future without truly understanding the subject of Numerology. This prompted her to pen this book and present a collection of questions and answers aimed at dispelling doubts

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For Old Times' Sake

Books by Jahnvvi Kuumar

When Thea was finally moving into her dream apartment, liking her job just enough to not want to quit every other week and finally getting a grip on the whole ‘adulting’ deal, the universe throws her a curveball in the shape of Seb.

The same Seb she spent every waking moment with in university. Who knew her smallest insecurities and was her biggest cheerleader. Who carried the mantle of being Thea’s best friend. Well, estranged best friend. Went-M

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The Numerology Answer Book

Books by Priyanka Kuumar

Numerologist Priyanka Kuumar’s motivation behind writing this book is to address the numerous queries she regularly receives about Numerology, its workings, benefits, and more. In her experience, she finds it disheartening when people approach her haphazardly, seeking insights into their future without truly understanding the subject of Numerology. This prompted her to pen this book and present a collection of questions and answers aimed at dispelling doubts

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For Old Times' Sake

Books by Jahnvvi Kuumar

When Thea was finally moving into her dream apartment, liking her job just enough to not want to quit every other week and finally getting a grip on the whole ‘adulting’ deal, the universe throws her a curveball in the shape of Seb.

The same Seb she spent every waking moment with in university. Who knew her smallest insecurities and was her biggest cheerleader. Who carried the mantle of being Thea’s best friend. Well, estranged best friend. Went-M

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