Manabendu Samajpati

The writer of this book was all along greatly associated with Financial Management Accounting profession of the companies. He was associated with number of well established companies during his service career and served as Director (Finance) and senior member of the Board of Directors for more than one and half decades. He also discharged his duties as the Chairman of the Board in the last phase. His working area was vast and he had to move around wide area all over India and thus had the opportunity to know about the economic, social and natural behavior of all such places. He also had the opRead More...


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এবার চলো পাল্টাই

Books by মানবেন্দু সমাজপতি

জীবনের  চলার  পথের  আশেপাশে  আমাদের  অজান্তে  অনেক  কিছু  ঘটে  চলে । সব  খবর  আমাদের  কাছে  পৌঁছয়  না । মান আর  হুঁশ  নিয়েই  মানুষ ।  মানবিকতার  অভাব  আর  মানসিকতার  অশনি  সঙ্কেত  কি

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