Kashish Aggarwal

This book is about Kashish Aggarwal's journey in pursuit of good health. After failing to get any desired results from allopathic drugs, the author embarked on self-discovery which led him to read, watch and attend hundreds of books, videos and seminars. The outcome was the realization that health can be gained by a holistic approach that covers the <!-- [if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->body, <!-- [if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->mind, <!-- [if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->energies that surround Read More...


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Omniscience Holistic Healing

Books by Kashish Aggarwal

All the elements have been covered step by step to maintain the best health possible for a lifetime by becoming a self-healer rather than falling prey to the futile health industry.

The body's secret lies in the evolutionary process. We are homo sapiens from the last 90 thousand years, but only ten thousand years back we were able to know our history. Here, we altered our diet and started cooking our foods which is the main cause of the body's decline.

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