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Notion Press Presents- Break The Curse

Break the Curse

No matter what kind of obstacles you’re dealing with, be it financial, personal or physical, there is always a way to determine if you’re under a curse and learn how to break that curse. Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform presents- Break The Curse by David Samuel, your guide to finding the path to a blessed life.

Break The Curse reveals that billions of people around the world suffer miseries as they are driven by their hidden curses, irrespective of faith. Life is designed not merely on man’s plans but mainly by the forefathers of good trait lest curse devour.

Break the Curse

Author David Samuel’s book addresses the barriers raised by man against himself, from being blessed by the most compassionate God. The book debates the different curses and its causes thereof, by which man suffers various calamities and desolation. It finally expounds the authority to break such curses, eradicating it’s every string and the tyrant reign, based on the Word of God.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you can recognize the shortcomings in your life, and pave the way to restore your relationship with God? In this book, the readers are given an opportunity to prepare more than one hundred and thirty-five inspiring sermons from the different points charted out in the book which would be enlightening and enriching their own life and of others. The most important factor which contributes to the reader is that it lets you experience the authority and power of God within yourself and to use them against all the odds in your faith journey.

Author David Samuel was born in a poor Christian family in 1954, served in the Indian Railways for thirty-nine and half years. During the service he devoted his time in leading an interdenominational fellowship for 28 years, village ministry, taking up higher studies and has been awarded Master of Divinity in2004 and Doctor of Divinity in2008.
He believes that you would be a new person with full of power and potentials to resolve your problems yourself in the spiritual journey as you study this book very diligently. The mysteries found in the word of God would pierce our heart and so this book, but it would heal the bruises so caused!

You can now get your copy of Break The Curse on the Notion Press Store!

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