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Notion Press Presents- Eye Opener by Mahantesh G Kidavassanavar

Eye Opener

‘’The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision’’
– Helen Keller

When life deals you an unkind cut, how you respond to it offers a window to the character you possess. It’s possible that a majority will accept the blow philosophically. Only a chosen few decide to look adversity in the face, and embark on a path that allows them to not just lead a life on their own terms but also open up avenues for others afflicted by similar or other misfortunes. Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform presents- Eye Opener, an autobiography of a visually challenged man with extraordinary vision.

This autobiography opens a window into the world of Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar and his love for Cricket that acted as the driving force behind turning his extraordinary vision into reality. Blindness at birth can be particularly debilitating because right from the off, you are deprived of self- dependency. You rely on others to help perform even the most basic of activities, which can result in diminished self-confidence and self-esteem. However, if you learn to not just take the disability in your stride but also use it as a motivation to scale the ladder of life, then the sky is the limit. This is what has been amply illustrated by author Mahantesh.

Eye Opener

Presented with the easier option of falling back on family support and coasting through life, Mahantesh opted for the most arduous path of making a name for himself and offering inspiration as well as financial independence to thousands of others. Fusing his love for cricket with an innate desire to look beyond himself, he has carved a niche both through his illustrious association with blind cricket, and the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled.
This book is an exploration of the light that burns in all of us, the obstacles that threaten to extinguish that light, and the treacherous ascent towards growth and success.

Being born without sight does not mean a lesser life. Mahantesh turned a visionary, refusing to give in to obstacles and today presiding over a trust for the disabled and a sports body promoting cricket for the blind. Author Mahantesh is now the President of World Blind Cricket and Cricket Association for the Blind in India.

Eye Opener charts Mahantesh’s fascinating, undulating journey from the outpost of Belagavi to the hustle and bustle of constant international travel, reiterating that blindness, or any disability, is no deterrent if you have will, passion, enterprise and industry.

You can now get your copy of Eye Opener on the Notion Press Store!

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