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Ways To Get Inspired For Your Next Novel

how to get inspiration to write


One of the biggest strengths a writer has is the ability to ideate. You may be simply sitting in a corner and staring into space when an idea floats by into your head, and soon enough, you’ll get the inspiration to write. The secret to every writer’s imagination is the ability to grasp that idea and combine it with the power of words. As a writer, your biggest fear is not being able to spruce up any interesting idea for a story, but the truth is, you don’t have to think too much. The world is your think tank; anything and everything that happens around you is worth writing about. If you’re a novice writer, knowing how to get inspiration to write is the first step on the road to becoming a successful author. If you were to create a list on how to get inspiration to write, it would run along endlessly, as new ways of inspiration keep popping up. Here is our list of tried and tested ways to get inspired for your next novel.

Step out

You’re a normal human being; you do normal things like live a normal life and have a normal routine. What sets you apart from the rest is your innate ability to perceive the things around you in a completely surrealistic manner. As mentioned earlier; a writer’s biggest gift is his/her power of imagination. So, head on out, take a retreat and let the inspiration float in.

Get personal

Ideas can stem from literally anywhere, even from the deep undiscovered layers of your mind. If you take the time to analyse who you are as a person, you may come up with brilliant ideas for a story or a character within the story.  Here are some of the best ways to get in touch with the inner you.

Do loads of research

Writers live in a shared universe. Your ideas, no matter how amazing they may be, are never truly unique. But that is not such a bad thing. All you have to do is get inspired by an existing piece of fabulous written art and think up your own idea that borrows from it. The best thing to do is to conduct extensive research before you write your novel. Here are a couple of ways to do so.

Be determined

There may come times when the slightest bit of inspiration you get still won’t help conjure story ideas. If you’re truly determined to write a book, you’ll just have to ditch inspiration and work with desperation. Ironically, desperation can morph into levels of inspiration you never thought existed. Here’s how you can write great stories if determination is your creative juice.    

Like we said earlier, inspiration to write a novel can come from anywhere, so you could try our proven methods or figure out newer ways. If you find other ways to get inspired, do let us know in the comments below. Gaining inspiration for a story idea is the first of many steps to becoming an author; you still need to learn how to write a novel and how to convert your first draft into a complete manuscript. Get in touch with Notion Press; a highly reputed self-publishing platforms that will help pave the way on your journey in becoming an international best-selling author.

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