Inside Notion Press - Self Publishing Blog

NP Recommends Week #29 – Money Wise

Over the last 6 months, many of us have had to face terrible financial conditions. Your savings could have dwindled away or, you may have recently (or not-so-recently) lost a job. There are so many possible paths to arrive at that dreadful situation, but we can surely avoid it with proper planning and forethoughts.

So this week on NP Recommends our editors have handpicked a few of our best Indie published books that help you understand the art of investment. You can use our Read Instantly platform to begin reading these books online even as your physical copy makes its way to your doorstep. Here is a list of books you cannot miss.



Pranjal Kamra

Investonomy not only explains modern value investing principles but also unveils certain secrets of the stock market. It busts popular myths and misconceptions as well. A thorough reading of this book will enable you to chart your own investment plans, and soon, you’ll be all set for your personal-wealth-creation journey through equity investment. Investonomy is an initiative to empower existing, as well as potential, investors like you. Click here to read instantly.

Bearin’ Losses? That’s Bull!

Akhil Vajjhala

If you invest $500 into the stock market every month from when you turn 21 years old, by the time you’re 65, you should have 2.5 million dollars in your bank account. You can travel all around the world, splurge luxuriously, and still have enough to buy a mansion and a Ferrari when you return home. I mean sure, you’ll have all those savings from when you worked, but you’ll have made 2.5 MILLION with just a $250,000 investment spread across 44 years. Ain’t that something? This book introduces you to the world of stock markets and lays the foundation from which you can make tons of money— all while sitting comfortably on your bed.

Stock market lingo gets really complicated. Ever heard of the Herfindahl Index? How about candlesticks, stock volume, and market trends? These, and plenty of such irritatingly complex lexicon, sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me when I first entered this realm of investment. They sounded like a foreign language. It took me many months to understand what they meant and how to use them. The author’s endeavour through this book is to shorten your journey to a couple of hours & get you investing as soon as you’re done reading. Click here to read instantly.

108 Questions & Answers on Mutual Funds & SIP

Yadnya Investments

Have you ever thought of letting your money work for you by being a part of the Indian growth story but the complicated financial jargon, perplexing terms and conditions, dilemma associated with risky investments and too many mutual fund options stopped you! This book provides answers to all such FAQs that an Indian Mutual Funds and SIP investor has. This book will help you understand various types of mutual funds, their comparison with other assets, ways to invest in mutual funds and identify the type of funds that fit your profile the best. The focus of this book is on simplifying myriad concepts of mutual funds and demystifying myths around these investments. The author has approached this book in a question-answer format with lots of recent examples. Click here to read instantly.

Trade And Grow Rich

Indrazith Shantaraj

Is it your personal quest to find out what has made some traders so successful? Why do 5% of traders take all the money from 95% of losers? The answer is nothing less than a revelation! The authors of this book have formulated their journey of studying some of the most successful traders in the world into concise principles that, when acted upon, can help one achieve their dream to become a successful trader. For over a decade, the authors have studied the world’s successful traders. Based on their learnings, they started practising it and are now part of the 5%. Trade and Grow Rich teaches not just concepts but also methods with the help of anecdotes. This book has to be read one chapter at a time, rather than just being a one-time read. If you want to enjoy an adventurous journey to become a successful trader, then this is the book you are looking for! Click here to read instantly.

Four Bucket Cash Flow

Prashant Narang

An entrepreneur is always good at his business, i.e. the service or the product his enterprise offers to the customer. In most of the cases, he is technically capable of delivering a great product or service. However, it is not necessary that while the customer is super satisfied, the entrepreneur is also making good money for himself. At least, he should know whether he had made enough. It is also relevant for him to know if that profit had actually reached his pocket or not. The Four Bucket Cash Flow gives absolute clarity of the money the business actually generated and how it was utilised during a period of time. The distinction of the owner from the business brings out a clear picture of how the entrepreneur has dealt with the funds of his business. A few critical business decisions come out from the regular analysis of the Four Bucket Cash Flow Statement. Click here to read instantly.


We hope you enjoyed the list! Catch you next Monday to explore more books!

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