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Notion Press’ Latest Shows a Poetic Path for Self-Introspection

What Is Your Catharsis?

 “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey

The beauty and rhythm that can be found in poetic verses is unmatched in the written word. Coupled with raw and authentic letters, this collection is a unique take by the author on expressing emotions through various fictitious scenarios and characters. A strong attempt to rouse one’s emotions and getting in touch with them. 

Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, presents What Is Your Catharsis? by Bhaanvee Anthraper, a collection that elucidates emotions through words. 

This book of illustrative letters and poetic verses explores the plethora of emotions that humans experience in their lifetime. Threaded by a common theme of catharsis, the process of releasing and thereby, providing relief from strong or repressed emotions, Anthraper sheds light on emotions such as anger, sadness, sadism, happiness, melancholy, to name a  few.  

Through her work, she aims to call attention to the myriad of feelings and emotions that are present in this world and in our minds, be it a soldier writing to his wife, or eccentric conversations with death; there is a character for everyone. A raw and gripping style of writing! 

What Is Your Catharsis?

As you read along, Anthraper encourages you to feel. Stop for a minute when something makes you smile, highlight a line that makes you feel nostalgic, re-read a poem that amuses you, and do not suppress your emotions. Remember, catharsis is power, and to use this power, you must undergo emotions. The goal is to achieve your catharsis! 

Bhaanvee Anthraper and writing have been holding hands ever since she could hold a pencil.  Scribbling down her random musings turned into an idea for a book when she won a poetry contest in high school. About to attend the prestigious UCLA as a freshman, she decided to take the summer before college to craft this immensely cathartic book. 

Bhaanvee believes that stories can be found anywhere – conversations, photos, things we hold onto, tattoos; everywhere! This allows her to notice the tiny, trivial, and tasteful quirks in people. As you will notice, she has a lot to say to the world in her dauntless and unabashed voice. 

Experience an unforgettable literary journey with this collection of unique and diverse poems that highlight the value of our emotions. 

Grab your copy of What Is Your Catharsis? by Bhaanvee Anthraper in print and e-book format at the Notion Press Bookstore and amongst leading e-commerce portals such as Amazon and Flipkart.

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