Inside Notion Press - Self Publishing Blog

Writing a captivating Cover Copy

The importance of an attractive cover design cannot be overstated. The cover design will attract the reader to pick up your book from the stand. However, the next thing they will do is flip it over. No matter how attractive your design is, the content at the back of your book is what will convince them to buy your book.

So now, what does a captivating back cover need?


This is the most important part of your cover copy. This is nothing but a synopsis of your book. Just as the creators of a movie, strive to convince you to watch their movie with just a 30-second trailer, your blurb should aim at giving your readers an emotional connection to your book within the limited word count.

It should represent your book and show people what’s interesting, or unique about your book. It must be able to stir the reader’s curiosity. You’ve got a maximum of 200 words to motivate people to read your entire book; so it should leave them thirsty for more.

Wet their beak. Tease them up. Give them the sizzle, but not the steak.



 Great authors find it hard to write their biography. They say it is their least favorite part to write. But it is proven that the readers can connect better with your book when they can get a glimpse of who you are, your personality and your inspirations. It is also a great way to establish yourself as a writer if it is your first work.

Here are some tips on writing an interesting bio:


Reviews are another element that adds credibility to your book. If you happen to have any of them, then by all means, put one or two of those reviews on your cover. It will not just capture the reader’s interest but also boost your respect as an author. You can put them as quotes in the back or even front cover.


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