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Bhagavad Gita Simplified
Bhagavad Gita Simplified
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Book Description

The Bhagavad Gita Simplified is a collection of poems and translations of the pearls of wisdom delivered by Lord Krishna to rejuvenate Arjuna from inaction on the battle field, as depicted in the Mahabharatha written by Saint Vyasa. It is the essence of the ancient epic and vedas condensed into eighteen chapters, with each chapter elaborating on a yoga - a skill. The following chapters are a series of interpretations of the vedic poems for self-upliftment. Sankhya yoga explains the two paths; karma and knowledge. To achieve ultimate knowledge, one should follow both. In karma yoga, the need to perform karma is explained, because karma is the only means to achieve anything. In jnana – karma sanyasa yoga, the need for relinquishment is stressed. The yoga of meditation is very important, as it is said that without meditation, peace and enlightenment is impossible. Thus each chapter teaches a different skill, ultimately leading the reader to God Realization.