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The Never Ending Trail
The Never Ending Trail
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Book Description

“But, only when the walls of fear guarding the alley to the shadows of the dark are destroyed, can we get a perfect picture of life.”In The Never Ending Trail, we not only follow the trail of life, and the trail that great men and women have left for us to learn from, but also explore beyond infinity. There are four words to explain this book ­– The paradox of life. Breaking this paradox, we have aimed every chapter at bringing in you a self-awakening, a self-realisation, and not just a motivational and positive spirit, but a tinge of attitude. What is the purpose of your life? Think? Nothing! We humans have developed over the years, this tendency to swim with the tide, to run along with the crowd, not knowing why we are running or where we are running to but we're still running; blinded by our perception of life. Blindfolded by society! To the Man, Woman or Child holding this book reading these words right now, we say, get ready! You and I together, are going to bring in a revolution in The Paradox of Life.