11.84 K Views

Becoming Resimmune

Self-Help | 14 Chapters

Author: Sunil Ramkrishna Tapse

11.84 K Views

THE CHANGE IS HERE! There are two ways to live life, unconsciously (by default) or consciously as a creator (by awareness and choice). To date, a majority of humans have lived life unconsciously and thus find themselves in this state of affairs, where everything that is out of balance is crumbling. Every challenge is an opportunity waiting to be capitalized. This book is for those who have reached a point in life where their desire and curiosity ....



In life, every individual faces life challenges; however, for the generation post-WWII, Covid-19 is the first global calamity that has affected every human being. Therefore it is my belief that there are some common changes that we need to imbibe as humanity to overcome and rise.

Covid-19 has disrupted mankind and his ways at large. We all believe that the microbe is offensive and whilst that cannot be refuted as a scientific statement, it is also true that some people are managing this event better and seem to be generally better equipped for the uncertainty the future is offering at this point of time. It is a known fact that our outer universe is the reflection of the inner self. It is the negativity that humanity has within itself that Mother Nature has finally spewed out. The lockdown days have been God’s grace for humanity to introspect, to think what each individually believes. We have done wrong knowingly/unknowingly and so must seek forgiveness and make fundamental changes to our nature and behaviour. Whilst medicine is an external intervention, behavioural change and understanding how we are all connected shall be the elixir that will enhance the immunity of every individual and also elevate us as conscious human beings.

Every life challenge is also an opportunity to rise in consciousness and capitalize the opportunity by understanding what really this event is trying to teach us – how we can adapt and align ourselves, our families and our businesses to be better in sync with the new world that we have arrived at.

However, attempting to change the outer world without changing internally is like trying to live front to back; if you do so, you will succeed in going backwards. The change has to occur within us first; only then will we see the change in others and externally in the ecosystem.

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Self-Help | 14 Chapters

Author: Sunil Ramkrishna Tapse

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Becoming Resimmune

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