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Diplomacy And The United Nations

Educational & Professional | 8 Chapters

Author: Syed Ayan Mojib

2.67 K Views

To the readers who have interest in Diplomacy, this book will be the stepping stone to diplomatic castle. Hoping for the best of readers in diplomacy, this book will act as a torchlight for them to roam about, along the endless road to diplomatic enigma under the umbrella of United Nations.


Any discussion on Diplomacy will logically start with its etymology and definitions.

Etymologically, the term diplomacy is derived from the ancient Greek word “diploun” (for twofold or double) that was used in connection with diplomas, special documents carried by religious diplomats that were supposed to make sure a safe journey.

The origin of the word “diploma” comes from distinct sides of the earth. In Greece diploma meant “folded in two”, while in Ancient Rome the word was used to describe travel documents.

Presently there are many definitions of diplomacy. However, in this unit we are concerned with basic definitions by relevant authorities of diplomacy . This is in order to have a good and elementary understanding and knowledge of diplomacy and diplomatic relations among nations.

Random House Dictionary defines diplomacy as the conduct by the government officials of negotiations and other relations between nations, the art or science of conducting such negotiations, skills in managing negotiation, handling of people so that there is little or no ill feeling.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Diplomacy as management of International Relations by negotiations, the method by which these relations are adjusted and managed by ambassadors and envoys.

Sir Earnest Satow asserts that Diplomacy is the application of intelligence and tact to the conduct of official relations between the government of independent states. Briefly the conduct of business between states by peaceful means .

Adam Watson on the other hand believes that the diplomatic dialogue is an instrument of international society .

Diplomacy is the means by which States throughout the world conduct their affairs in ways to ensure harmonious relations. The main duty of individual diplomatic services is to safeguard the interests of their respective countries abroad. Diplomacy takes place in both bilateral and multilateral contexts.

Bilateral diplomacy is the term used for communication between two States, while multilateral diplomacy involves contacts between several States often within the institutionalised setting of an international organisation. Negotiation is the one of most important means of conducting diplomacy, and in many cases results in the conclusion of treaties between States and the codification of international law. The aim of such international treaties is primarily to strike a balance between State interests.

As already stated because of many definitions of the diplomacy, there is no single definition considered to be universal in nature.

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Educational & Professional | 8 Chapters

Author: Syed Ayan Mojib

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Diplomacy and The United Nations

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