2.48 K Views


Young Adult Fiction | 5 Chapters

Author: Debayan Bera

2.48 K Views

Suffused with warmth, passion and revenge, the novel The Cwtch showcase the myriad variation of love, anguish and the horror of World War II. To exempt from the tyranny of Nazis a 21 years old girl took over a mission to take a sweet avenge. It displays the insurmountable threats and outrage possessed by the Gestapo and Nazis and how a little girl sacrificed her life for her indubitably part of the infinite spectrum of love.


The Cwtch


Giethoorn is a small village in the northern part of Netherlands. There was a crowd of terrified people of the Nazi era. Hitler in Germany at that time ,spreading horror all over Europe , he was Mein Fruher. The whole world was shaking under his power. Half of Europe is under his claw. As if victory was just a matter of time. On the ground, in the water, above the sky, it was becoming more and more difficult for the allied forces to overcome it. The victory of Axis power seems certain and just a matter of time . In such a turbulent situation, a group of Jewish families took refuge in that Giethoorn. Almost everyone was afraid of the Gestapo. Most people could not have guessed the greatness of the swastik sign.

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Young Adult Fiction | 5 Chapters

Author: Debayan Bera

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