How To Live A Happy Life

Self-Help | 5 Chapters

Author: Parth Taneja


This book is focused on the process to observe our mind, how to control anger, anxiety and stress, I have tried to put my years of research and hardword to small books like these which provides life changing steps and solutions to major problem faced throughout the world. This book is focused on many aspects but two major parts of this book are how to live in present moment and how to be happy within ourselves.

understanding the problem

In your life you might had have some great moments in your life that you do not wanna leave and want to in them forever. For an example when we used to be young we used to feel suppressed by elder family members and wanted to grow up fast so you can help your parents and keep your point the world .

But as we grew up i see thousands of people complaining their present life and living in their school life saying what days they were enjoying life as a kid in school . Playing with friends no stress just living life to the fullest

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Self-Help | 5 Chapters

Author: Parth Taneja

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How to live a happy life

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