God Made Me Black Because He Is Creative

Educational & Professional | 2 Chapters

Author: Julie K Federico


As the summer of 2020 unfolded and I saw so many adults moving to the wrong side of the fence on appropriate race relations views I was taken back. I thought our country was a lot further down the yellow brick road of race relations. I was deeply wrong. Rather than try to talk to adults whose minds would not be moved despite moving material being presented I started to think about the kids. I thought of parents struggling for a common language wh....

Chapter - 1


God Made Me Black Because He is Creative © 2020 by Julie K. Federico.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

Published by Julie Federico Children’s Services Author. www.juliefederico.com All rights reserved.

Cover design & Interior design by Emma Smith at Vox Illustration.

Creative title of this book created by Keita Andrews

Published in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-63760-777-0

1. Race relations 6 months and up

2. Preschool/kindergarten

God Made Me Black Because He Is Creataive

by Julie K. Federico


God made some people black, some white, some a shade of red, and others caramel. There are lots of different shades in humanity! This is exciting because everything is not the same. There are differences in human skin tone. This is part of God’s wonderfully creative plan, this is intentional.


You can also see his creativity in nature. There are so many kinds of flowers, it is hard to identify them all. Each night the sunset looks different, which also shows a part of God’s creative side. He never runs out of ideas; he never makes mistakes. After all these centuries, he is still glad he made people different colors on the color chart.


Because of unfair rules and practices set by society, government, schools, police departments, and the court system, black people and other people of color have been and are currently being mistreated. This is called discrimination. Black and brown people have been and are currently being mistreated just because of the color of their skin. This is always wrong.


Discrimination needs to stop today, right now. Children can help bring about this change by the things they do and say. You can help end discrimination today! You can do this by treating everyone you meet with respect: Open doors for other people when their hands are full; ask other kids who may be a different color than you to play at recess; or even better, ask them over to your house after school to play or study. Make lasting friendships with kids who are a different color than you. All of these acts will help to end discrimination.


We are all the same on the inside, even though our skin colors may be different. Certain people should not have a life of privilege while others receive mistreatment just because of the color of their skin. This needs to change in our society.


Remember, the only reason our outsides look different is that God created us in a variety of beautiful skin tones. People’s skin color is different because of God’s creativity not because one race is superior to another. I think children can start to dismantle this problem easier than adults can. As children you have the power to see these problems as solvable, children are not afraid to talk about race issues. Children offer solutions as they see things just as they are, and they do not sugarcoat or dismiss racist behavior. All of these things go a long way when a community is working to end discrimination. There is not one fix for this problem but many.


Children by nature do not discriminate, this is why they are the perfect group to help end discrimination. Adults can learn a lot from children if they will stop and listen. I want to empower all children to break the cycle of discrimination today. There is no greater work to be done. All races matter, everyone is important, everyone deserves the same opportunities and privileges.


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Educational & Professional | 2 Chapters

Author: Julie K Federico

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God Made Me Black Because He Is Creative

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