The Last Clue Of Alex

Literature & Fiction | 1 Chapters

Author: A. A. Das


Detective France was having a normal Day,actually none of his days are normalbecause we know what job he does. Hereads the Newspaper before having hisdinner with his lovely Family, but Suddenly aphone call comes which changedeverything. Caller gave a threat to killsomeone and he expected Detective Franceto Save that person. A woman had a roadaccident in which she was hit by a car anddriver left her on the road to die. DetectiveFrance had came to ....

Chapter - 1

Chapter 1

The airport was full of people walking going talking everywhere there was no peace only noise airport war and pains for taking their flights one by one with hundreds of people in them the most busiest and most boring place on the planet.

Stephanie Roberts heard that flight 3985 to Texas is going to take off. She took her luggage and moved to the Runway where the Gigantic Airplane was standing. After some minutes she was sitting at her seat in the airplane .She began to read the magazine kept near for seat the plane took off and soon it was between the clouds.

Stephanie had a fight with her husband and now she has left him and going back to her parents in Texas. She was so depressed and have decided to never meet him again.

An air hostess stopped next to her. She offered her some snacks .Stephanie pick the plate consist of a sandwich but as she was going to bite it, she heard the sound of bullet .

“No one will move from their positions. It’s hijack. ” shouted the Gunman standing outside the cabinet of pilot. He was wearing totally black clothes and a mask which doctors worn during the time of black plague in Europe. It was like a bird Mask of 1300.

“I am Alex, Never Dare to forget my name.” said the Gunman in Black Death doctor’s suit. He opened the cabin and short both the Pilots into their heads. The plane lost it’s control and crashed into a desert of Texas.

Now the entire America was in a headache. Only 10 people out of 273 passengers were alive. Stephanie was dead. Alex, the hijacker was no more. He was a psychopath who wanted to do such a brutal crime and become a immortal in the pages of history. “Alex Norway the man who Hijacked and crashed flight 3985 killed 263 innocent Passengers” was the headline of every newspaper.

Chapter 2

It was the scene after 5 years of flight 3985 crash. Detective Jonas France, one of the greatest detective of now days reads the news on the newspaper. The fifth anniversary of flight 3985 was today. He first ever came to know about this event.

It was the time of night, Detective France was at the dinner table reading the newspaper. Soon his two kids sat at the table and his wife , Winnie too.

They were enjoying the dinner and discussing their day but Detective France didn’t talk about his office because as we all know what job he do. Suddenly he heard the phone ringing.

“Dad, your phone call. ” said Andrew, his son.

Detective stood up and washed his hands in the

bathroom. “I will be back soon.” said he. He went to his room where he investigates and study the cases.

“Hello, France resident. Who is speaking?” said Det. France on the landline phone.

“Hello, Detective I am a big fond of you. I am Alex , Alex Norway.”

“Hello ,Mr. Norway. How can I help you, sir.

By the way it’s late night, you should meet me at my office tomorrow morning.” said Det. France.

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Literature & Fiction | 1 Chapters

Author: A. A. Das

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The Last Clue of Alex

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