Chemistry Class 11th & 12th 2.o - 1 (color)

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | 1 Chapters

Author: Mr Vivek Kumar Pandey Shambhunath


Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances ,for class 11 & 12 written by Mr vivek Kumar Pandey shambhunath.

Chapter - 1

Ch 1 Equilibrium

  • Physical and Chemical Processes

Physical processes involve such changes, which only affects the physical properties of the substance undergoing changes but have no effect on the chemical composition and properties.

Chemical processes involve changes in chemical composition and properties. Whenever a chemical change occurs, we can say that a chemical reaction has taken place.

Types of Chemical Reactions

1. Combination Reactions

In such reactions two or more substances combine to form a single compound.


2Mg + O2 → 2MgO

2. Decomposition Reactions

In these reactions. a compound decomposes to produce two or more different substances.

e.g., PCI5 ⇔ PCI3 + CI2

Digestion of food is also a decomposition reaction.

[Decomposition by heat IS called thermal decomposition and decomposition by sunlight is called photo decomposition.]

3. Displacement Reactions

These reactions involve displacement of one element or group by another. These are infact, redox reactions, e.g.,

Zn(s) + H2SO4

4. Double Displacement or Metathesis Reactions

In these. reactions two compounds react to form two new compounds and no change in oxidation state take place, e.g., precipitation reactions, neutralisation, reactions.

AgNO3(aq) + NaCI(aq) → → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)

Equilibrium State

Under given set of conditions if a reversible process or chemical reaction is carried out in a closed container, a constancy in some observable properties like colour intensity, pressure, density, is observed. Such a state is referred to as an equilibrium state.

Equilibrium may be classified as :

Physical Equilibrium

Equilibrium set up in physical processes like evaporation of water, melting of solids, dissolution of solutes, etc., is called physical equilibrium, e.g., Ice ⇔ Water

At equilibrium,

Rate of melting of ice = Rate of freezing of water

Chemical Equilibrium

If a reversible reaction is carried out in a closed vessel, a stage is attained where the speed of the forward reaction equals the speed of the backward reaction. It corresponds to chemical equilibrium. At equilibrium,

Rate of forward reaction = Rate of backward reaction

Characteristics of Chemical Equilibrium

1. Equilibrium can be attained from either side.

2. Equilibrium is dynamic in nature, i.e., at equilibrium reaction does not stop.

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BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | 1 Chapters

Author: Mr Vivek Kumar Pandey Shambhunath

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Chemistry class 11th & 12th 2.o - 1 (color)

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