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Confessions Of Moderns

Literature & Fiction | 10 Chapters

Author: Gopal Chowdhary

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The book discusses the all shades of modernity ranging from dark, grey, blue and yellow insrerspered wiith modern love stories and quests for freedom that become fetter. The multplicity of choice and beings become fetter instead of freedom.


The fiction is dedicated to all those characters, events and eventualities, actions and their results in the fiction. But for them, it would not have been possible to conceive this novel. It was these characters and events that would make me to write this. They would come like doves and would dovetail and spin their stories. The Novelist would be just the ground for grounding of their being and doings!


Every age, times, generation, and space think they are the modern. They are the best, the human history and the life on earth has epitomized into them, their generations, time and age. The breakthrough achievements, cultural and civilization heights are they themselves. There is ‘end of freedom’, after and before they are the best. Then next and next; it goes on and on.

It is not like that they are boasting, it is perhaps because life is process and it goes on and on, in one form or another. Here or there. Everywhere and nowhere! Everything or nothing, its same in one or other way. From nothing everything comes from and goes into nothing, and then goes into new life and existence! Its existence, life and its playfield is world. All have been competing with their respective truths until other proves it irrelevant if not wrong.

For the life and its truth churning has not stopped yet. It keeps on churning till infinity with our karmas and actions n its result, cause and effect. And dynamics of karmas are matchless and infinite. Udho! Karman ki gati Nyari!

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One night a man sees a dream. In the dream, he has become flower. A flower that blossoms and lives just for being flower. He wants to be just flower adding beauty to the garden that life is. When he wakes up, he is in doldrums: the dream that he saw was real or the real life was dream. He could not decide which the real was and which dream.

Since then he believes that he is a flower seeing the dream of being man. And that dream he continues.

On the other side of world, a woman believes that she is a bird seeing the dream of being woman. She goes to an indeterminate space and time. Before that, there was no space and time. She was the bird and whole skies her nest. She happened to meet a man dreaming about being bird! Both were real and unreal at the same time. They would start living in a space that is dreaming to be time and the time dreaming to be space.

One day they have doubt as to who they are? What is real and what is dream. They are the real or the dream that sees is real. They decide to go to a teacher or guru. When they ask the teacher, he says that he is having same problem. The teacher has seen a dream that he is neither man nor woman but just a being who is dreaming that he or she is life itself. And he continues to live in that dream.

They also decide to keep on living like what they are! Real and dream are ephemeral! But the life is real and dreams both.

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The writer acknowledges the contribution of existence and existents in making this work happen .

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Literature & Fiction | 10 Chapters

Author: Gopal Chowdhary

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Confessions of Moderns

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