Self Discipline

Self-Help | 5 Chapters

Author: Swati Kashyap


Whatever goal(s) you may have, to achieve it, you need to put in the extra effort. For example, you have to prioritize your tasks, manage your temptations, avoid distractions, work hard, and stay focused on the end goal, all of which are only possible when you have self-discipline.Self-discipline is about conquering yourself because when you completely master yourself, you can pay attention to what matters and ignore everything that does not. By ....

Chapter - 1

Good intentions cannot help you achieve a worthwhile goal. You also need to have a plan, stick to the plan, and put in some hard work.

Sadly, human beings are notoriously and inherently bad at following plans and completing tasks on time. We are generally ambivalent about making changes. We do wish to lose the extra weight we put on during the holidays, but we love to indulge in our guilty pleasures and eat a lot too. Fortunately, if we want, we have or can develop the ability to resist temptation and unhealthy desires.

Yes, ‘if we want’ is the trick you need to follow to complete the equation. When you genuinely want something, you become committed enough to set goals centered on it and then put in the work needed to actualize that burning desire, which is also where ‘self-discipline’ comes into the equation.

In this chapter, we shall discuss how self-discipline is the magical elixir that can save you from disastrous situations and transform your life.

Self-Discipline: What it is and What it Does

We talk about self-discipline often; sadly, for many of us, self-discipline feels like a constant battle with procrastination, feelings of failure, and good intentions. What we forget is that self-discipline is a work-in-progress that requires daily practice. To get a level of discipline that helps you move from this point in your life to the next, better one, you need to work on your self- discipline every day.

Self-discipline is as effective as a magic potion, but it is not one. Self-discipline is simply a virtue that you can work on embracing by harnessing your inner strength, power, and resilience.

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Self-Help | 5 Chapters

Author: Swati Kashyap

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Self Discipline

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