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The failed talk- Eight of September

by Sean M. Dims   

*Everybody say I am falling, In a castle of failures, I am down crawling

, No,you are in the sky, And you just have to fly, So all you have to do is just try,

*I'm missing way too much, so when do i give up, what i've been wishing for?

No need to miss yourself, Coz somebody else has found you, No need to give up, Coz these wishes are for you.

*I thought i could fly, then why did i jump, and now its all going down. Even the sweet apples fall down, And they cry in the flight, But down here mother earth is waiting to catch'em up

. *Not ready to let go, because then i'll never know what, i've been missing! You were never missing, And neither you will be, For you are my shadow, Which I can never set free.

*Shadows leave you when dark, nobody likes being followed. everybody changes with time, and only broken promises are left behind With me you ll be always in light, And shadows go forward when lights behind. Only bad things changes with time, Promises by good ones are for lifetime.

*Darkness leaves no one untouched, and people leave you as they please I never tried to please you, Just did what I felt, And as for the darkness touching me, I have that inner light present

*You never tried to please me, but you'd go as you please, leaving your shadow, as you proceed in the dark, when your light dies

*I ve been coming out from the dark, I won't go back there, My light will surely die, But till my breath remains, It will survive.

*Your light doesn't have to be burdened with my shadow, it can go away discovering new horizons, while the shadow can be left behind waiting for the light to return

My light has coupled with the shadow, Both have their work to do, While the light illuminates the world, The shadow gives shade from the scorching sun. This was all we had to say after ending it all without a reason.

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Copyright Sean M. Dims