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what is love?

by ankita   

Something like love don't exist. one do anything for anyone beyond greed this world. .no one fall for a girl unless she is pretty. ...I don't mean these girls lack goodness ..they too are beautiful inside like the rest..but everyone choose to see the goodness of pretty face...take interest in solving the puzzle. ..guys kind of compete..for getting the best one...they chase them for the sake of their so called reputation..and status...they do every single effert..pretend like she is the only one...but when she reject they hate her...they dont praise but absue move on to another one..and start it all over again..IS THIS lOVE ?.....

Love dont end just cuz the other person dont love never can never hurt the person you love...lov dont end after breakup..its nt a game...everyone's not lucky enough to get the person they is not always abou getting...sometimes its about letting is blind it's never partial ....everybody deserves it. ....

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