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“Where is the exit to my problems”? This is the most common statement made by everyone of us. Because, the ultimate goal of the human kind is to enjoy this life. Obviously, we all hunt everything from our society except problems.

From, where it comes. Just simple to say. Everything we paint in our life as problems.

To get something, we do something.

I am damp sure about the following things, from where the problems come to human in many forms.

· May be created by us.

· May be created by other.

· Another one is unavoidable thing .that is fate, also include natural problems.

On these three criteria our life struggles every day for many aspects. By various stress, anger, emotions that are uncontrolled to some extent and many more.

How can be changed?

“People often forget that kindness is free”.

When, we do things we don’t consider others and we do for the benefit of ourselves. And later it going to be a problem.

I mean, that there is nothing called problem in life. If we have solutions. Our mind will be always in oscillations. And we will swing according to our feelings.

Even, we human look upset when stressed by too many problems. But, if we come to know the solutions, our feelings get changed. So already it constant that. If there is a birth, we have death. Likewise, we have answers to all our problems but we don’t try to always keep remember this,

MAN: Give me something worth so that I can enjoy this life.

GOD: I gave you life to enjoy everything”

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