
Struggle for love
Abhijay Sahu
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Submitted to Contest #1 in response to the prompt: ' A long-standing rivalry takes an unexpected turn when circumstances force two opponents to work together.'

loving all the animals egu make a big change in his life due to which he started getting more attached to nature.

But due to his family pressure for studying he get detached from the nature with his growing age the pressure was also increasing due to which he started staying depressed in that situation his friends always tell him that never listen to others just focus on your goals and never run behind success always run towards excellence success will come towards you by it's self Kazuki use to tell Evey things to akira and katshu they also understand him and try to make him happy after some time due to a virus whole world was in lock down so kazuki was not able to meet akira and katshu but one day he heard that akira and katshu were no more in this world they were affected by the virus and not able to survive this incidents make akira very sad that he also try to kill him self he doesn't want to leave in this world any more.

After that incidents he started staying alone and spend all his time with nature he started hateing his family because of their pressure and comparing love with study's which make him more angry (because love is a thing which is not compared with any thing but some parents didn't understand this)

For this reason he became cold hearted and do training to make his body strong to protect those persons who loves him for their heart not for what I do

After some time he became very strong and that he can beat 20 people alone after 2 day his new life is going to start at a new place the new journey starts

The first day of school kazuki and nervous and was out confident for his new start when kazuki put his first step in his new school he thought he is not made for this world he was very shy so he haven't made any friends for about a half year he was all alone that time he was not able to forget about his friends because that was his family.

After 6 month a boy came and talk to kazuki he was also just like kazuki by the time they both become best friend he was akira and he make a new friend kaito now he has not alone he started making some new plan about future.

One day akira and kaito fell in a trouble that some budy have a fight with akira because of a sutpid reason that akira was talking to a girl and that boy have a crush on that girl so we have to figth for that reason and we send him to hospital

Between this time there is a thing that is affecting my heart I don't no why this feeling is new for me and this feeling become a cause of my happiness I go to school only for that reason

I don't her name but I think kazuki was in love but don't know why he love her after some days he told this to akira and kaito the search her name and her name was mei

Mei bought a new change in kazuki like he started staying happy but he never talk to her but he love her a lot that he can die for her and kill for her

But there are many problems in kazuki life family pressure and the main vilan of his life was his tution teacher seh have created a heater in his mind for his family and kazuki always try to die but he have a reason to leave and that was mei

This is based on the what the children fell in their tean age and what they face and how their family become their biggest problem. with a story

Kazuki a boy who lives in tokio study in Tokyo high school he was born in a middle class family whit a dream to make a new world when he was a child he use watch anime so wanted to make a wold like in his favourite anime when he was in eliminate school he mad a lot of friends he was shy and introwat and he has only two friends akira and katshu his friends are his only life that time because the know about his dream and always encouraged him that one day your dream will become true.

That time he loves his family and friends a lot because he knows that his family is doing a lot for him so he always think how to help his family and always make plans for a getting money.

He is very coward and he get feared by the anime and neve love them because he thought that the animals will kill them and they are very evil but after some time he realised that the animals are not evil because he get to know that humans are destroying nature and kill animals that time he realised that animals are not evil but the human are evil but he know that all humans are not bad some people are kind and have a pure heart.

After this he get his first pet a baby eagle that he found it under a tree his nest was fallen for the tree so he brig it to his home de didn't know that it is an eagle but he feeds is and giv it a name egu he always take care of egu that care and love towards egu make his fearless after that he started loving all the animals egu make a big change in his life due to which he started getting more attached to nature.

But due to his family pressure for studying he get detached from the nature with his growing age the pressure was also increasing due to which he started staying depressed in that situation his friends always tell him that never listen to others just focus on your goals and never run behind success always run towards excellence success will come towards you by it's self Kazuki use to tell Evey things to akira and katshu they also understand him and try to make him happy after some time due to a virus whole world was in lock down so kazuki was not able to meet akira and katshu but one day he heard that akira and katshu were no more in this world they were affected by the virus and not able to survive this incidents make akira very sad that he also try to kill him self he doesn't want to leave in this world any more.

After that incidents he started staying alone and spend all his time with nature he started hateing his family because of their pressure and comparing love with study's which make him more angry (because love is a thing which is not compared with any thing but some parents didn't understand this)

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