“You are the reason for everything! God is watching you and your every actions!” a lady cried in a phone call. On hearing her voice, Durga’s eyes got dilated. She heard her mother’s voice and hang up that call.
Her mother said, “I didn’t expect this from you! Media is waiting for you on our door steps. I thought you were still a child but…” Durga interrupted that conversation and went out. When she tried to address media, siren sound caught their attention.
A police constable asked Durga to come along with them to Commissioner’s office. She asked for reason but constable again asked to come along with them. When she denied, constable put handcuffs on Durga’s hand. She taken along with them forcefully.
For a moment, she heard that lady’s crying words again in her mind. She closed her eyes. A drip of tear fell out from her eyes like a raindrop in the dessert. Her past life incidents were run like a glimpse in her mind.
It was April 1, 2016, next day after TN state board 12th public exam. Durga was getting ready happily. Her mother asked whether she going to miss her school life and friends. Durga with a smile said, “Nope mom!” Her mom asked, “But why?”
Durga said, “For me, my school life was just like a little bird survive among hunters mom. There was a bully gang, who never failed to hunt me down every day. The biggest reason was I came from village, especially from poor family. You know, what? Few months back, they locked me in school rest room after school dispose. I got scared that I forced to spend whole night there. Later, wash room cleaner opened that lock and saved me. This was just an instance of cruelty.”
Her mom asked in shock manner, “Why didn’t you inform us before?”. Durga replied, “After my primary schooling, we moved here for my better education. You and dad both are working hard for my future. In initial days, I often asked you to get admission in government school but you convinced me to continue in matriculation. As days passed, I tolerated everything for you.”
On getting emotional, Durga’s mom hugged her firmly. She said, “You are the one and only hope and happiness of our life.” Durga with warm smile said, “I knew it, Mama! You are getting late for work.” Her mother affirmed it and left their home in urge. On the way, she asked Durga to behave herself in clinic.
Durga’s mother is working as token giver in Rainbow clinic. Once they reached clinic, her mother started her regular work.
At first, Dr. Sita Lakshmi arrived. On seeing Durga, Dr. Sita inquired Durga’s mother. Dr. Sita said not to come with any reason because there were no vacancies in their clinic. Durga’s mom immediately replied, “No Madam, Durga completed her schooling. We didn’t feel safe to leave her alone in our home so only she accompanied me.”
Dr. Sita with disgusted look informed that it was hospital, not a public place and continued that Dr. Prem won’t come that day. Then, she went to her consulting room. Durga and her mother saw each other’s face in pity and back to their work.
After seeing all patients, Dr. Sita called Durga and asked what about her future plans. Durga said that she wished to became a doctor. Durga’s mother joined in conversation and said that she (Dr. Sita) had to guide Durga in right way.
Dr. Sita murmured, “Oh! Such a big dream from slum. Doctor! My god!” Druga’s mom asked, “What Madam?”
She said, “Pursing medicine may sound fascinating. In reality, a doctor has to handle with many diseased patients, even with dead body too. A medical student must have a good immune power and courage to handle everything. She will be vaccinated more than 18 times.”
Durga’s mother said, “Durga often fell ill. We brought here many times. You knew about her health more than us. Do every medical student handle this all-things mam?”
Dr. Sita said, “That’s why I thinking about Durga. Tuition fee also cost more than a crore. In medicine, career isn’t a determined and destinated. One has to get popularize among people, to earn money. I have seen so many students, who discontinued their MBBS course.
The only reason is their family background.”
Durga thought, “I must not be a burden to my parents. What about my dreams and desires? Are they remains as castle in the air?”
Dr. Sita asked to Durga’s mother, “Just take an example, my son is pursing MBBS right now. If my son didn’t succeed as an individual doctor, we will create a separate consulting room in our clinic itself. After us, he will take care of this clinic. His future is safe and secured but what about Durga’s future?”
Durga and her mother both looked totally confused and lost all their hope about Durga’s dream.
Dr. Sita continued, “I got pity on seeing you. You are working in our clinic since 2008. Durga is my daughter too. If you ask about my suggestion, I will suggest her to take nursing. I assure you that Durga will be placed in our clinic, after completing her course. Durga’s future will be safe and secured as my son.”
In the midst of confusion, Durga and her mother back to their home. They discussed lot and concluded to take B. pharm.
Durga’s thought interrupted by that constable asking her to leave police jeep. She went along with them and sat on a chair in waiting hall with handcuffs. Everybody saw her in strange way. She gave a strong gaze to everybody, which made everyone to mind their own business.
Durga’s mind was wavering again in past. It was May 17, 2016. Durga secured 98.85% in her 12th examination. Her parents were extremely happy and they shared this news with everyone by distributing sweet.
Durga along with her father went to his workplace. Durga’s father is working as driver. Durga’s father happily gave sweet to his boss, Rajamma. Durga got blessing from her. She inquired Durga about college admission. She said, “Hereafter, we are going to get application form college, for B. Pharm course.”
Rajamma said, “You silly girl! Why don’t you get any application form still? Many colleges already closed their admission. How will you get admission? Are you going to waste a year?” She continued with several questions and started to brain wash Durga and her father.
Durga completely collapsed and broken down. She thought, “Am I an idiot? Why I don’t know about anything? I can’t blame my parents because they are school dropouts. In HSE, at last moment only I came to know that I have to choose Bio maths for medical career.” Lots of things running in her mind.
Rajamma took this as an opportunity and offered Durga to join in arts college. She said that she knew some members in management and she would help Durga to get admission. Durga didn’t wish to waste a year. She chose zoology and got admission in that college by her advice.
“What the hell is going here?” shouted the Commissioner. His voice bought Durga to reality. Constable said that he followed his command. Commissioner asked, “Did I asked her to arrest? Remove her handcuffs. Get lost from my eyesight. You guys are good for nothing.” Constable asked apology to Durga.
On request, Durga met Commissioner and had a short conversation with him. Commissioner honoured Durga with bouquet of flowers.
Commissioner said, “Such an inspiring woman! Your NEET academy give 100% result. It’s an amazing thing that all of your students belong to first graduate or village side student, who are poor and lower middle class. More than 50% of your students got admission in government medical college too. Society needs people like you.” Durga thanked him.
Commissioner said, “Dreams are common for everyone but few only dreams for other’s victory. Where did you get inspiration for doing these big things?”
Durga said, “A big dream often starts with great pain. Great steps for other’s victory always started by a person with unhealed wounds. It’s always result of betrayal and insults.”
Commissioner asked, “What is your unhealed wound?” Durga narrated her story.
“In July 2016, I went to my school to collect my original marksheet. My class teacher inquired about my college course. I said to her that I had taken Zoology. My class teacher asked why didn’t I take any professional course by using my good marks. I explained that my family wasn’t rich enough to pay medical course high fee.
My class teacher called me as an idiot. She continued that government colleges didn’t ask lot of fee and I could easily get admission with my marks. On hearing that, I frozen in my thoughts but I replied that I didn’t apply in any college for admission before result day. I continued that with the help Rajamma mam only I got admission in college.
My class teacher scolded me and said that colleges and universities always start their counselling and admission after result only. It’s enough to broke me down. On realizing truth, I sobbed by saying that I lost my life. My class teacher consoled me.
Later I went to Rainbow clinic to see my mother but she went earlier that day. Dr. Sita already left clinic. Dr. Prem alone there. On seeing my tired face, he inquired about my health. In the name of treatment, he gave sexual harassment. With a bold attitude, I faced him and left clinic as soon as possible.
I ran to my home and sat in a corner. On seeing me like that, my parents terribly scared. They asked what happened. I explained everything to them and asked how foolish we were. My parents feared and blamed them as useless. My mother said that she spoiled my life by trusting other’s words. My father became speechless.
I said about Dr. Prem’s misbehaviours to me while I went to see my mother. My father got furious and took sickle to ask justice for me. My mother joined with him too. I snashed it from my father.
I stopped them and asked whether he going to spend rest of his life in prison. I said that revolting against them was a useless act. I continued that as a result they would lose their job, life and everything. Life became more worse. We were still struggling for necessary things but they weren’t.
Her parents asked her whether I was saying to leave them. I said that a thorn will be removed by thrones and I created my own empire. It’s my sweet revenge to them.”
Commissioner asked, “Wow! A Splendid lady, you are! You really take a wise steps. How did you control all your emotions and wrath?”
Durga said, “One thought keeps on running in my mind is this isn’t a problem of mine only but many students like me. I dreamt to became doctor and serve needy people. Now, I’m teaching my students and help them to became doctor. They serve people. My dream got fulfilled in big way. Their victory is mine too. Revenge and anger are double side sharp weapon. We must be wise while using it.” and she smiled.
Commissioner said, “I couldn’t find any difference between you and phenix bird in mythology. Both of you, rising after burring you again and again. I wish you to aspire and achieve more!”
Durga’s mother came to commissioner office in rage. On seeing everything, she hugged Durga. She said, “I thought that you were just said those words as a broken girl. I never thought you would accomplish it. I’m proud of you, my dear! Like myself, you got many mothers with happy tears to bless you as their own child.”
Durga came out of commissioner office. Media and press asked her lots of question to her. She answered, “I used to fuss why God it’s always happening only to me but now I’m thanking God because of that event only I’m standing here. Trust the process and stay positive. Thank You!”