
A word,A moment was enough.
Nagma Shaik
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Submitted to Contest #1 in response to the prompt: ' A long-standing rivalry takes an unexpected turn when circumstances force two opponents to work together.'

Rue ran towards me, embracing me in a hug since she had been to Paris all her vacation.
"Mae you look pale, what happened to you while i was gone?"
As we entered the university Rue in her chic style of clothes attracting the attention of on lookers and I look like i just walked in from my sleep, always wonder how did we end up being best friends.
"Things are not the same anymore, Rue." We walked up towards our lockers to collect some books which ended up with a surprise.
Rue was surprised to see my locker filled with confetti, it was a mess! "OK Mae, spill it , what's going on?"
I ended up leaving the mess as it is and shut my locker door with a bang. Just then Ian was laughing at top of his lungs. I glared towards Rue and said " This happened!"
Ian was a hot and cute guy with innocence and evil balanced equally in him that makes every girl fall for him and his silly talk but nevertheless I hated him. He was my childhood neighbour who always annoyed me with his silly pranks and just being him, I was the happiest the day his family had to move for his dad's business but now he is back and ended up in the same university and the same major. "Is he even patient enough for literature?" I whispered to Rue.
He sat by the window where sunlight hit his hazel eyes making it gleam in a corner of the room, lost in his train of thoughts looking vaguely at Shakespeare.
"Mae, he is cute, you make him sound so not..
Since that confetti prank few days have gone by and each day its a new prank he has pulled; different slimey ,gross stuff in locker to switching assignments and what not, I end up doing the same opposite to him "I let out a light bucket was funny, the look on his face was something to remember",Rue mumbles 'you both are so childish'. Our rivalry has gotten worse these days to a point where we can't stand eachother.
As the university fest approaches everyone is divided in groups of two to help with different tasks and to write a summary on your favourite author/poet.
Fate plays the funniest game when all had to pick names for their partner and ..." oh! god ...why,Ian?" ....He just stood there blank holding out the piece of paper with my name on it whispering under his breath, "Mae."
I knew this was going to be a disaster, I close my eyes ..wishing it to end soon. As we went our seperate ways that day we have'nt worked together even for a single task.
I end up hanging out in Rue's group and him with his group of friends. Rue calls out my name when i was spacing out..."Mae..Mae? Mae to Earth, you can change your partner you know that right? ... I did ask professor Jake to change but no slot is free all are partnered up and already working together so no one wants to switch in the middle."
"Can you atleast try to work together, do you want me to talk to him?"....i yell "NO".
The fest is almost nearing and our submission is also reaching the deadline , professor Jake called both of us and gave a ultimatum," Either you both work together or you both fail in this subject!" I panicked and blurted out, " we will finish it on time!".. Ian was glaring at me, he would rather fail than work together but I could'nt afford to fail.
I pretended he was a stranger i met in a class and spoke to him leaving my hate behind ," Shakespeare,huh? ...Ian lifted his head up sighing " alright, Keats as well"..
Ok that was new ..i never assumed him to be a romantic.
He showed up late to our study sessions, laid back and sleepy ...i had it enough "Why can't you just take anything seriously?"... Ian without a word walked away leaving me puzzled and sighing.. I got back to my work after a while.
Ian walked towards Jay and sat next to him grabbing the orange juice Jay was sipping on. Jay is Ian's best friend, the two have known eachother since they were 10. Jay spoke.." Do you like her? " Ian was confused ..Jay continued " Then why do you give her such a hard time?"
Ian laughs it off..The next day he reaches on time to study, waiting in the cafeteria while noting down "Love makes you wonder"...Ian wondering does'nt notice Mae reading it.
Mae whispers " It does"...for the first time Ian notices her completely with admiration, she becomes clear to her...he sees her the way every love poem is for a poet, every word is for an author in awe of its beauty. That day something changed for both of them, once long standing rivals had now a new comforting feeling towards eachother like they have known it for a long time. Mae and Ian parted ways exchanging a warm smile that day. A feeling that was hidden behind hate and tease, kept developing with time without knowledge of why and how it was happening which evolved at that moment with few words both were ready to accept.

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From rivalry to romance, love blossomed unexpectedly through laughter and shared moments.

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Aliya\nGood story and good thoughts with words

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