I’m the least and most bullied, in school and at home, girl I know. Life didn’t happen to me on its own. I endlessly fi ght for it. Whatever it is. Even peace of mind is not so easy in our home.
I was the only child in my family, who needed to take care of herself despite having beautiful parents alive. My parents, were never open-minded unless it was a car accident.
I always had school, TV, Games, Chips, and sometimes ice cream. I was a well-bought kid. My parents were proud to have such a daughter who never even went out of the house unless it was for Pizza delivery or Amazon.
Securing a passing mark is the only aim which my parents set for me. They let me live my life under the 4 walls. During my childhood days, I asked my father to take me out on holiday, Invariably I get the same reply, Sorry baby, I have work to do! Even my dad can sometimes utter a positive word compared to my mother. She will just vomit the same words my dad says. To my friends, I’m the most sophisticated person who is alive in their surroundings and it is true. I can get whatever I want from the place where I’m sitting. Don’t just think of me as a princess kind. To make me quiet, my dad handed over me his credit card. I can do whatever with it. I can spend up to 80K below per month.
My mom and dad run a company, and they don’t have time to handle such a small nuisance like me, so they simply shut me down with their money. It's a win-win for both of us until I become a fatty pig.
I am not aware of any reaction that my actions bring in, like most of the teens. Until school my appearance didn't had signifi cance in my life as it was a girls school. But in college it's entirely different.
People who are good in shape have better connections. They are approached by many, actually they attract everyone with their attractive body.
I tried using my power. Money!. I bought cosmetics, dresses, and jewels to hide fats under them. But it made that even worse. I looked like a clown.
I just hated myself for my appearance. No one can even spot a jaw in my face. I was a good pillow to my fellow friends. At Least for that purpose, people approach me sometimes, for which I feel happy inside.
It is the best and worst ever decision I made in my life. I want to clutter some fats from my body. I decided to reduce my weight.
This is the time where I left with myself. No one there to help me or do it on behalf of me.
I never felt like a grownup girl till I joined college, till I got discovered by some men in the college. This is seriously new for me. I never felt shy about my appearance. I felt I was being naked, even though I was fully covered. My mind was vulnerable.
I don't want anyone to look down on me, it happened when my classmates happened to practice for dance, I asked them for me to join.
No more moustache, pimples, lorry tyre belly, biggy face! I joined the gym! Just me alone. I only had myself. Lives biggest battles are fought alone.
Day 1
The fi re was burning like hell. Just after the coach explained all the exercises, I just did everything like a pro. 5 set 50 reps for every exercise. I felt so powerful and my hope was boosted.
Day 2
Absent. You can fi nd me in the physiotherapy centre. Muscle cramp was like hell.
Day 3, 4, 5, 6
Best rest at home. Didn't even attend college, mainly due to neck cramps.
Day 7
According to coach advice this time, I started with minimum weight and set. This time my muscles didn't support me. Coach advised me not to make heavy eff orts.
Day 8
I ate just before going to the gym. Hunger didn't wait for me to complete the gym, the same goes to vomit. I paid a fi ne for making the fl oors dirty.
Day 9
Again cramps got me. In the middle of the workout I went home
Day 10
I set a target of 5km on the treadmill. I really don't know if the treadmill will show fake kilometres. I was running nearly for 30 mins just to reach 1 km. On my 3rd km I was surrounded by gym guys. I felt embarrassed in front of them, me lying on the ground. The coach thought me as a nuisance.
Day 11
To my observation people who had friends got better support and consistency. So I voluntarily approached females who were doing workouts.
Day 12, 13, 14, 15
The following days, I made friends with everyone present in the gym. I gained unlimited motivation.
The following days, I come to the gym, do the workout. If I feel bad, I just talk to the other ladies then feel good when compared with their body.
70 days went by, but I couldn't see any result. With trust, like a religion, I did my workouts without skipping any class, keeping College as a least priority. Later I got more intensified with myself. I couldn't handle myself talking bad about my appearance.
I took 6 months leave. Spent my majority of my time in the gym.
My only goal is that people should not recognise me.
Hopefully it happened. No one couldn't believe it was me, a new beauty of the college.