It was getting to be seven in the evening and Roshni returned from the market with a few vegetables, a box of caramel custard for desert and Pervin’s medicines. Pervin was sitting by the window, looking out at the colony garden, where the young teenagers were flirting, the kids were running around and office-goers returning home with their backpacks and groceries. The sun had just set and there was a warm orange glow in the sky.
“How was your evening Pervin? Enjoyed your walk? I hope the Bossy 4 didn’t give you a hard time today sitting on “their” bench. Did they?” Asked Roshni
“Well, its ok. I was about to come back home when they came to the garden. So, I got up anyway”, replied Pervin. The Bossy 4 was a group of 4 elderly women, around the same age of Pervin, in their late 60s and early 70s who bullied Pervin like the many others in Pervin’s life. From commenting on her clothes and hair to not letting her sit on the benches they preferred to gather on, they intimidated Pervin who was too timid to fight back. But then Pervin had always been like that, mild mannered, soft spoken, timid, shy and too scared to ever fight back or hold her own. She had grown up in a very protected family and had always been taught to toe the line, not argue or even so much as raise her voice. She was the easy target of many all her life. She had never been married, never even had a boyfriend in her younger days and had been an only child. She didn’t have too many friends either and would never have survived the harsh world had it not been for Roshni. Roshni and she had been friends since they were children who lived as neighbors in the Parsi Colony. Their parents had been friends and Roshni and Pervin grew close as dear friends and shared everything almost like sisters. While they were so different in personality, they had a common loves for food, Roshni for eating and Pervin for cooking, for clothes: Roshni for wearing the latest fashion and Pervin for sewing and tailoring. Pervin loved to look after Roshni, listen to her colorful stories about her escapades, boyfriends and parties while Roshni loved Pervin’s loving care and attention. There was never a trace of rivalry or jealousy between them. Roshni would take Pervin along for all festival feasts in the Fire temple, shopping for the latest fabrics at exhibitions and sometimes even drag her to parties just so that Pervin could savour the delicacies there and increase her list of new dishes to cook. No activity or outing for Roshni was complete until Pervin helped her prepare for it and until Pervin had heard every detail of it afterwards, be it exams or parties or competitions . And life was not complete for Pervin until she was a part of everything Roshni did, until Roshni tasted her every recipe and every success or failure of Roshni’s was marked with some delicious delicacy that she would make for Roshni.
So it was that their friendship flourished, based on love, connection, care and exciting giving and taking of their growing up journeys. As time passed, Roshni got married to her colony sweetheart and moved a few buildings away. Pervin lost her parents within a year of each other, and having inherited their house and wealth, lived alone. Unfortunately, a few years after Roshni’s wedding, her husband passed away quite suddenly and she started living alone herself. Roshni and Pervin nurtured their friendship with love and affection and fun! They travelled together, went to festivals ad weddings together and spent many evenings in the colony walking around the leafy avenues. But as they grew older, they realized it was getting harder to live alone and why maintain two houses when one would suffice? That’s when the two friends decided to live together in their advancing years and Roshni moved into Pervin’s apartment.
Their roles were very clearly demarcated, Roshni to do all the outdoor work, all the society matters, deal with all workmen, maintain the house and Pervin to be the home maker, cook, clean, sew and stitch. Roshni ensured no one builled Pervin when she went out, stood up for her in any arguments and was always protecting the frail and gentle Pervin from the world’s forces. While Pervin looked after Roshni, made sure Roshni ate well and took care of herself, oiled and brushed Roshni’s wavy blond hair for a 100 strokes daily (that’s how hair will shine her mother had said!). It was a friendship made in heaven.
“Surprise!” , shouted Roshni, one evening when she returned from the market. Pervin was pulled out of her reverie looking out of the window and quickly walked up to the door to open it. when in walked not only Roshni, but a portly but handsome old man! With blond hair and a fair complexion, this man looked like a Santa Claus who had come a little early for the season!
Guess who this is? You remember him? Pervin peered carefully lifting up her glasses to take a good look at the smiling ruddy face and while he looked slightly familiar, Pervin wasn’t able to place him. “It’s Jamshed! Jamshed Vacchha, remember, from college. Yes, he is down from Canada and guess what, we bumped into each other at the Agiary and he recognized me immediately! I must say I was embarrassed I didn’t recognize him at first because I didn’t have my glasses on, but them of course how could I forget his voice! He said “hello Rosh” and immediately I could remember, its Jammy, our Jammy, remember him now Pervin?”. And immediately memories flooded Pervin’s mind. Jamshed had been quite the heartthrob of girls in those days. With a very European complexion, blueish eyes and a shock of blond hair, he looked very much the American Movie star. He was the most eligible bachelor and girls would vie for his attention. But he only had eyes for Roshni, the tall, strong, confident, bold and dynamic Roshni. But sadly, Roshni was kind of committed to Joy who lived next door and they had been together since they were 16 and so it was assumed that they would marry eventually. Roshni loved Jammy (as he was called lovingly) as a dear dear friend and was very fond of him. Yet, in spite of several proposals Jamshed made to Roshni, some in jest, some seriously, some light heartedly and some with all the romantic works thrown in, Roshni stayed committed to Joy. And then soon after college, Roshni and Joy got married and Jamshed moved away to Canada where he got married to an American girl few years later.
Pervin remembered Jamshed very well, after all, she was the one he confided in several times in finding ways to woo Roshni. She was often the go-between for helping Jammy set up dates with Roshni. Pervin would patiently listen to him talk about Roshni for hours and hours. And now here he was, looking as handsome as before, maybe even a little more suave with his salt and pepper hair and his mannerisms a little more mature.
“He’s staying at his cousins in the colony for a month, right Jammy?”, Roshni spoke excitedly. “We are going to have so much fun!” “How are you Pervin?”, Jamshed asked. “You are looking wonderful, as graceful and sweet as always just like Roshni is still the crazy boisterous girl she was. You girls haven’t changed a bit!” Jamshed remarked , speaking to Pervin.
“I’m fine Jamshed, thanks to our heroine Roshni here. I am in safe hands, while surely those who bother me, are not!” Pervin laughed. “How are you Jamshed? And your family? Are they here with you?” And Jamshed replied, “No. I am alone now. Cathy passed away a few years ago due to an illness. I have my two boys and two grandkids back in Canada and we live close to each other. Here, let me show you their photos…” said Jamshed as he opened his wallet to fish out some family photos. “ I’ll get some tea for all of us” said Pervin and soon the three of them settled down to look at photos and catch up on the past years, laughing, joking and reminiscing till the day came to a close.
And that’s how many evenings passed in the household. Jamshed coming over and the three of them spending time just like old friends can. Sometimes Roshni and Jamshed would go out shopping or visiting some other common friends and they had many since they were both the popular sorts in college. They would then explore markets, new restaurants together, always bringing something back for Pervin and spending the evening together. Pervin loved this time of the day, she loved seeing her beloved Roshni come alive, so happy, animated, buzzing, like she was twenty again! Having found someone who shared her energy and someone she didn’t have to look after, but someone who she could be herself with, without worry or care. And she loved looking at Jammy, looking like a besotted lover again….staring at Roshni adoringly, laughing at her jokes. She loved seeing them together like this, so happy, energetic and full of life.
Then one evening, when Roshni was out, Jamshed came over and asked Pervin if he could talk to her alone. “Seems like the old days huh Pervin?” He laughed shyly “ I have a confession to make….It feels like I’m in love wth Roshni all over again….well actually I never stopped loving her, the headstrong, crazy, lovely Roshni. I have my ticket to go back to Canada in a few days and I really need your help. I would so so love to ask Roshni to marry me and take her with me to Canada. I have a big house and family and I am sure I could look after her really well. I am quite in the money and she won’t have to worry about a thing! I so missed the chance once, I would hate to be a coward now and lose it again. Do you think I can ask her? Would you speak on my behalf like you always did? I know she would listen to you. The last month has been magical and I feel Roshni also feels for me what I feel for her. We could be with each other, make each other happy, so what if we have one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel?” He laughed! Pervin’s heart beat fast, “Wow, this was exactly the good old days, except now not only were the days old, they all were old too.” She thought to herself and smiled. The thought that her dearest Roshni, who did so much for her, worried about her day and night, was always busy looking after her, could have a full life of her own, with love and family was so lovely for her. “Of course, Jammy, I surely will” Pervin said laughing “It’s high time the two old love birds got together. You go right ahead and propose to her and I will surely convince her to say yes. You better start buying tickets for the both of you!
And so it was decided that Jamshed would propose to Roshni that Friday and that Pervin would not say a thing until then, keeping the whole thing a big secret.
Pervin waited impatiently on Friday evening for Roshni to come and tell her about the proposal and Pervin also baked some mawa cake to celebrate the good news. But Roshni didn’t utter a word on Friday evening. In fact she said she wasn’t feeling well and went to bed early. Pervin was a little confused but decided to wait till next morning. But Saturday morning also arrived and not a word from Roshni. When Roshni went for a bath, Pervin quickly called Jamshed and asked him what had happened? Had he changed his mind? At first, Jamshed refused to speak and without saying much, said he would drop in when Roshni went out to the market. Later that evening Jamshed came over, looking deflated. He sat in silence, fiddling with his fingers, not saying a word. But after a lot of probing, prodding, tea, khari, cake and threats, Jamshed spoke up. He told her that Roshni was very happy when Jamshed had proposed and Jamshed had almost heard a yes….but then in seconds Roshni had declined saying there was no way she was going away and getting married, leaving Pervin alone. And that she had a life here with her dearest Pervin and no happiness would compensate for the pain of being away from her. And she requested Jamshed to honor her wish and not say anything to Pervin, since she did not want her to feel like she was in the way of Roshni’s happiness.
Pervin was devastated. “I will talk to the stupid girl today! How dare she say no! That girl has lost her marbles. She doesn’t need to do this for my sake. Wait till she gets home”, snapped Pervin. “No, please Pervin, don’t tell her anything. She swore me to silence, you know her she will eat me alive if she knows I told you everything. Please I have to go now before she returns. I also have to start packing. I leave in a few days and I need to start getting my things together. Bye Pervin, thank you as always for everything. Maybe I’m not destined to be with the love of my life, even now.” So saying he left the house.
For the next two days it was hard for Pervin to not say anything and there was some unspoken tension between the two friends. Roshni was going about her business quite normally, talking laughing as usual, but Pervin could tell it was an effort and was all a façade. Finally Pervin could keep quiet no more and confronted Roshni asking her why she had declined Jamshed’s proposal. Roshni replied quite matter-of-factly “It’s a no brainer Pervin! There is no way I’m leaving my soul mate, friend for life, for anyone! There is no question of it. So don’t waste a single breath on it. We had a good time while Jammy was here. It was great to love and feel loved that way again. I have experienced it the entire month. One more day and he will be gone and we will have our life like we always did. I already have my life here, my Pervin here and I couldn’t ask for more. We’ll say our good bye to Jammy when he comes today. Please get your apple pie ready! Let’s have a going away celebration for Jammy”. Roshni smiled and quickly looked away and Pervin was sure she saw a trace of sadness in her face for a few seconds. Will you please call him and ask him to come over? I have to run to the society office for some silly flush tank issues and I am late.”. “Sure I will do that right away” said Pervin. And went off to call Jamshed to invite him to come over that evening. Roshni was just leaving the house when she saw Pervin just staring at the phone looking lost and a little out of sorts. Roshni, came closer to have a look to check if everything was all right with Pervin. But Pervin smiled a weak smile at Roshni and waved her off. Roshni, late already left for her errand.
When she returned home that evening, after her market run, Roshni entered with her key. The house was quiet and Pervin was not to be seen. Roshni panicked. Where was Pervin? What had happened to her? She hardly ever left the house alone. Roshni’s heart beat fast with anxiety and she was about to go to the phone to call Jamshed, when the key turned in the door and Pervin walked in with Jamshed in tow. Roshni heaved a sign of relief! “Thank God, you had me scared! Where were you woman?” Roshni asked Pervin angrily. “hey, calm down, fireball. I had just asked Jamshed to pick up some vanilla ice cream for the apple pie and he asked me to come down to help him with some things. And now here we both are.. come let’s sit and enjoy our pie!”
As soon as they were done, Jamshed put his hand into his pocket and took out a ring and went up to where Roshni was sitting. He was about to speak when Roshni promptly interrupted him…“But no Jammy, we talked about this! I thought I was very clear. I cannot and will not leave. Please don’t embarrass me, I told you I didn’t want Pervin to get even a whiff of this but you still told her, I am mad at you already for that. Now before you leave don’t make me hate you. Let me remember you with love like I always did.”
And before Jamshed could respond, Pervin jumped in with an airline envelope. “Here Rosh, take this” “No Pervin, Jammy, stop it. Both of you. I said I won’t go anywhere leaving you. I already told Jamshed, why are you both being so pig headed about this? Take this stupid ticket back”
“But who said it’s a ticket Rosh?” said Pervin “But it is right?” said Roshni as she opened the envelop and out popped not one ticket but two! Open dated valid for a year!
“So, just for your information, Rosh”, said Pervin, “while you were at the society office yesterday, Jammy, proposed to me!” Pervin winked as she continued while Roshni looked on unbelievingly! “no,” continued Pervin, “not to marry him silly, that for things for you love birds to do, but he proposed that I be his best friend and go with him to Canada and accepted! But I am too old to go alone and too scared to go anywhere without you, so please chaperone me my dear and take me to Canada to be with my best friend or should I say friends! After all, life is too short to live without love and too long to live without a friend. So, what say Fireball? Shall we start prepping? I have to go to Canada soon!”
And the three of them broke into great big smiles, tears, friendly punches and a great big group hug over a huge apple pie and ice cream that was melting in the warmth of true friendship. After all who says love is only for the young and who says love is only for lovers?!