
Chittagong Armoury Raid
Prakash Roy

The battle of Jalalabad Hills is also over. In the darkness of the deep night, the revolutionary have come down from the mountains and spread in one place. He spent a few days here and there. Then everyone got together again. Plan new expedition again. This time MasterCard order, Pahartali Uropian Club has to be attacked. Jalalabad Hills was painted in the blood of the revolutionary. Now, while taking revenge, some young men of reckless came forward. Among them - Rajat Sen, Devprasad Gupta, Entertainment Sen, Swadesh Roy, Subodh Chowdhury and Fonindra Nandi. On May 5, 1930, six youths became decorated with weapons. The Karnafuli river balances are located in the mountains at a little distance from the neck. The club is very secure. As soon as the evening falls here, Mr. British and Umrah are overjoyed. It was hard security around the city. They came back due to strict security, we have to wait for the right time. This time they will return to the secret dormitory. The Karnafuli river will go to the house of the night after crossing the road in Firimpur. There was a house in the police station. The mother of the king was a mother of all the revolutionary. Binodini Devi used to all very well. They'll eat the mother's hand. One said - "Aunt, Budd is hungry. Binodini Devi said - "Giving Baba, sit a little, I am making arrangements now. Where else is dinner? The younger brother of Rajat night rushed and informed - "Dada, the police are coming." Everyone bowed his aunt and went out with the back door in the dark of night. Holding a properly dish of the decorated food on the banks of the Karnafuli river, then jumped into an Sampan. The words of the revolutionary are being conducted with all the strength. The police force chased them behind by the leadership of Khan Bahadur Asanullah. The police force says again and again - "Stop the Sampan." As soon as the Sampan came along the river, the revolutionaries disappeared. The police force came and saw that the revolutionary disappeared. So they preached the villagers - "The robbers in the village, if they could catch the prize of fat money." The revolutionary has to face the strength. The rhythm of the revolutionary with the villagers was tied up. A villagers noticed Devprasad that they cope with the photo, even if the Devprasad survives for a little bit, his right hand was almost separated from cast. What a hard pain. However, the morale is firm, the area is hanging out. The revolutionary continue to counter s/he on the villagers. In it, some villagers started hiding. The revolutionary repeatedly shouted - "We are not robbers, we are foreigners, we are foreigners. British is our enemy. Don't stop us. Yet the villagers did not believe them. The revolutionary did not leave behind the greed of the award. Just as dark all around, then their distance is also unknown. Fonindra Nandi became isolated in the dark and was caught by the police the next morning. On running, he stopped at five revolutionary caller poles bridge. Chowki on the other side of the bridge, villagers behind. There is no way, Subodh Chowdhury was caught running with police eyes. The other four Devprasad Gupta, Rajat Sen, Entertainment Sen and Swadesh Roy entered Zulda village. It was almost dawn. Was passing a house, suddenly the revolutionary wanted panta rice from him after seeing an old woman. Mother's affection flew away. The old lady said - "You take refuge in that sherban." I'm bringing panta rice." The husband brought some panta rice and curry and said - "Read and arrange for them to eat with a full stomach. The sun is red in the eastern sky, which is 8th May, the police force starts the sugar-sands. A village named Ahmed Mian was shocked to see the revolutionary in Sharban and said "They are hiding there." As soon as you hear D. I. G. A group of police forces surrounded the police force under the leadership of Farm. Seeing the police forces coming forward, the pistols of the frauds together. The armed struggle of Kalirpol started. Heavy bullet rain on both sides. Police officials could not move on after a while. D. I. G. On the instructions of the farmer, he said about the head doorman mic - "Throw away the weapon and surrender. "The only meaning of fighting is death." Entertainment replied - Entertainment Dodge No - How do you salute? Entertainment doesn't know how to sacrifice. I, Want to Jatin Mukherjee of Balasaor. I will fight like Jatin Mukherjee. One more person was heard to say - "We will not let the soul be held." The other partner's voice was heard - "No, no, of course not. We'll die, but we won't catch it. It started raining again from Sharban. How long will four pistols fight with the huge police forces? The shots are almost over. The country Roy was beaten to death by the bullets. Rajat this time told Monoranjan - "Mona! Swadesh just died. Debu will not live, class sacrifice from surrendering. I'm shooting on the body, will you shoot me, do you understand?
As soon as I said this, Debu shot for carrying out trouble. Entertainment shoots friends twice a night. Later he did the last two shots in his chest. Swadesh Roy, Entertainment Sen and Rajat Sen took goodbye. Yet the battle of the Shahda village did not end. The body of Devprasad Gupta is still alive, it is very difficult to breathe. In that case, the head doorman came and said - Big Saheb is here, do you want to say something? He replied in the direction of Devprasad - "Who is the big man, Loman, my two hands are obsolete, otherwise I would shoot him right now." Devprasad Gupta gave up his last breath after saying this.

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Great story

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Wow Nice story

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Excellent History of the War

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