14 january 2025,
The memories kept rewinding of the beautiful moments we spent together. The way she used to tuck her hair, speak confidently and one thing in particular; she loved to cook and so did I.
23 december 2019,
Today is our last day in this school, you can say it’s our farewell day and it’s both sad and happy moment for all of us. I didn’t imagine that I would cry on this day for losing all my mates and specially her, Sayna. With all the courage I had, I straight on went to her and asked,
“ hey Sayna!’
She gracefully moved her hair aside and with a smile on her face said,
“hello Rahul”
Her smile and voice hit my heart. I further added
“do u want to join the bakery classes with me today?”
“sure why not! Let’s catch up there.”
I was so happy but she didn’t show up that day. My thoughts kept running in my mind and I started overthinking about every possibility.
“what if she found me irritating?”
“what if I spoke too much?”
After that day we didn’t keep any contact…
15 January, 2025
Going up with my daily timetable, I went to the own bakery. Yes, I have my own bakery now. It's because I had a feeling that some or the other day I would meet Sayna and we would get reunited. Fantastic isn’t it?
I teach many students in my bakery now and one girl in particular caught my eyes. Isn’t this Say… no this can’t be. Maybe I am ovethinking or maybe the memories keeps rewinding in my mind. She has the same smile like Sayna and a breath taking voice like her.
I ignored my thoughts and started working until I saw that tattoo that she had. The same tattoo as hers. The same structure it had. I went to her and asked,
“are you by any chance Sayna Mishra from grade B 2019 batch?”
“ Rahul, aren’t you the same you used to be in school times?”
My heart sinked for a moment. My hands started trembling and with a shaking voice I said-
“So it’s you, you didn’t change”
We went on to have some coffee together and talked about our school times and then I asked this question to her.
“why didn’t you show up that day?”
“I got so busy with my work and even tried contacting you but I thought that you forgot me”
“how can I even forget you Sayna? I mean you were one of my good friends during school days and and…”
“ and I liked you Sayna. The way you talked, flipped your hair, smile, I mean everything about you is just so magical”
She smiled and said, “ I liked you too idiot.”
My curiosity didn’t stop mr from asking if she likes me now. I asked with an idiotic smile,
“what do you mean you LIKED me, what about now?”
“ you didn’t change, did you? I like you now also", but said it hesitantly.
We both started laughing on our silly jokes and moments spent together in school.
How we used to laugh during the class hours, the sharing of lunch boxes, and many other things.
But I still had a feeling that Sayna would leave me again and break my trust. I asked,
" Will you tell me a thing?"
"Sure, go on."
" Why did you come after this long? I mean did you give a thought about us? "
She replied nervously, " I don't know actually..." She started rolling her ring on her finger.
"Is that an engagement ring? "
" Rahul, listen to me. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that I didn't know how to get connected to you and I'm in a big problem now. "
" what is it Sayna? ", I got too tensed because she was going to cry in any time.
" when I didn't show up that day, I was with him. He was my boyfriend. He was sweet then but he changed with time. I don't want to get married, my going to be husband taunts me everytime for my looks and curses. I'm afraid that he would beat me too after getting married. I need your help."
" but Sayna why didn't you tell me this earlier? I will try to help you as much as I can. But Sayna what about us? What about our future?" My heart broke in seconds after saying this. I loved her and I didn't know what to do with this situation.
" Rahul, my wedding is day after tomorrow. Reach there if you want to." She left after that.
I was in great confusion and developed huge trust issues. But she was the love of my life and I wanted to help her. So, I showed up...
After an year...
"Sayna get ready, we are getting late." I said.
She came wearing a saree with matching jhumkas and a pretty smile.
"Yes Rahul. Let's go"
Let me tell you guys, it's our wedding day with a happy future ahead...
Some things never change and some things take time. Some things have a lot to do with the past like others don’t.
This time with Sayna, I can enjoy each and every moment happily. My bakery not only rekindled the friendship but got me a soulmate whom I can trust.
Things take time and it’s okay to wait for what you wish for. God has plans for everyone and sometimes he checks us by showing hard and difficult times.
With Sayna, I can tell the same thing. Nothing changed neither our love nor our friendship.