
Vembu: The Guardian of the Forest
Ezhil Thamaraiselvan
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Submitted to Contest #1 in response to the prompt: ' A long-standing rivalry takes an unexpected turn when circumstances force two opponents to work together.'

Vembu: The Guardian of the Forest

A Forgotten Child

Once upon a time, in a quiet village surrounded by lush forests, a husband and wife lived together. Though they were happy at first, their constant fights made their life miserable. Amidst their quarrels, they had a baby girl, but they never even named her.

As time passed, their fights worsened. By the time the baby was six months old, they could no longer tolerate each other. One day, the husband received a phone call from his friend.

"There’s an aunt of ours living in a nearby village on a hill," the friend said. "Our mother has been asking us for a long time to buy her two sarees. She reminded me again, but I can’t go myself. Since you’re nearby, I’ll send you some money. Please buy the sarees and give them to her."

The friend sent the money, and the husband, happy to receive it, started making plans. However, his wife grew suspicious.

"What if he just leaves us behind?" she thought.

To avoid being abandoned, she decided to accompany him. The whole family, including their little baby, set off to visit the old lady on the hill.

After buying the sarees, they climbed the hill and visited the old woman. They chatted with her for a while, gave her food, and handed over the sarees. However, an unexpected event unfolded.

A phone call came in, and both the husband and wife used it as an excuse to sneak away—each thinking the other would take care of the child.

And just like that, the six-month-old baby was left behind with the old lady.

Vembu: A Life of Loneliness

The old lady, who was mute, could not explain the situation to the villagers. When the people saw the abandoned baby, they asked, “Where are her parents?”

But she could not answer. She simply gestured, trying to assure them that they would return. But days passed, then weeks, then months, and neither the mother nor the father ever came back.

The little girl, now growing under the old lady’s care, remained nameless. The villagers, noticing she lived near a neem tree (Vembu in Tamil), started calling her Vembu.

But life was not easy for her.

The villagers, taking advantage of the mute old woman, began cheating her. They gave her old, torn clothes and, in return, took fresh vegetables and fruits from their garden.

When the old lady passed away, it became even easier for them to deceive Vembu. She didn’t know the value of things, nor did she realize that she was being tricked.

But one day, everything changed.

The Talking Parrot and Vembu’s First Words

Vembu was planting a small sapling near the neem tree when the ground beneath her feet slid, and she almost fell into a ditch.

"Watch out!" a voice screamed.

Startled, Vembu regained her balance. She looked around but saw no one—except a parrot staring at her.

The parrot asked, "What about you? Can you speak?"

Vembu simply gestured that she could not. She was even more shocked to see an animal talking when she herself couldn’t.

The parrot smiled. "Don’t worry. I’ll teach you how to talk!"

Vembu was excited and eager to learn.

The parrot began by teaching her two words:



As soon as Vembu heard those words, her expression changed.

Memories of her parents abandoning her came rushing back. Anger and pain filled her heart. Without saying another word, she ran into her home and never returned.

The parrot was confused. Later, it heard from the villagers about how Vembu was abandoned by her parents. Feeling guilty for reminding her of her past, the parrot went back and apologized to her.

"I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I won’t make that mistake again."

Hearing the sincerity in the parrot’s voice, Vembu forgave it.

Thus, their friendship began.

Vembu Learns to Read and Write

Soon, a monkey joined them. The monkey then brought an elephant and other animals and introduced them to Vembu.

One day, as they sat together, they talked about how the villagers had been cheating Vembu.

"They trick you because you don’t know how to read or write," the monkey said.

The parrot agreed. "If you study, no one can fool you."

So, they decided to teach her.

With Shiva’s help, Vembu learned to read, write, and speak fluently.

Becoming the Guardian of the Forest

One day, Vembu heard on the radio about the importance of protecting forests.

At the same time, a greedy man tried to steal the land where Vembu was staying.

Realizing the danger, she wrote a letter to the forest department, asking for help.

The greedy man arrived with a bulldozer, ready to cut down the trees.

But Vembu climbed to the top of the tallest tree, stopping them.

Meanwhile, the parrot and monkey rushed to Shiva, who got the police involved.

The police arrived just in time.

The officers arrested the greedy man and revealed that the land legally belonged to Vembu.

The forest officers, impressed by Vembu’s courage, approached her.

"You have done something incredible, Vembu," one officer said. "You not only saved the forest but also proved how important it is to protect nature."

Another officer nodded. "Would you be willing to take care of this place? We need someone who understands the forest like you do."

Vembu’s eyes widened in surprise.

"Me?" she gestured.

"Yes," the officer said warmly. "We will protect this land legally, but you will be its guardian. You grew up here, and you love this place. No one else can care for it like you."

Tears filled Vembu’s eyes—not of sorrow, but of happiness.

She looked at her parrot and monkey friends, then at Shiva, who had helped her learn.

She turned toward the villagers, who were watching in shock.

"I learned everything because of my friends," she said.

The villagers gasped.

"Shiva taught me how to read and write. The parrot gave me my first words. The monkey helped me understand the world. Without them, I would still be silent."

The villagers, who once cheated her, now felt ashamed.

The police officer smiled. "It was all because of her letter that we are here today."

From that day on, Vembu became the official guardian of the forest, ensuring that no one would ever harm it again.

A Village in Awe

The villagers, who once ignored her, now respected her.

They realized that the girl they once cheated had become their protector.

Vembu, standing tall with her parrot, monkey, and Shiva, had not only changed her life—she had saved the entire forest.

And so, she lived on, not just as Vembu, the abandoned girl, but as Vembu, the Guardian of the Forest.

Moral of the Story:

True friends can change your life.

Education is the key to freedom.

Nature must be protected at all costs.


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