Claudia Lawrence was crying. Her city had just received the order. According to the “Great and irrefutable monarch, King Sweeney”, taxes had been doubled due to the ongoing war and a list of people who had been drafted into the army. Instead of individual names, a list of birthdates had been given and everyone born then was conscripted. Claudia’s older brother was one of the unfortunate ones.
Opposite Claudia’s house, there was an identical one with the colours inverted. Ajax Hathaway felt like he would be sick. His betrothed Naomi would have to risk her life to promote tyranny. Ajax didn’t feel grief, he felt rage. Both Claudia and Ajax plotted to stop the king, but never really did anything.
Soon after, while preparing for their respective loved ones to leave them indefinitely, they met in the market. Their families were once good friends, but due to some small misunderstanding, which spiralled out of control, these families were at war. Even though neither of them wanted to fight, they decided to maintain their family “honour” and mindlessly quarrelled. They quietly noticed that both of them were preparing supplies, but refused to acknowledge it.
Ever since they were little kids, Claudia and Ajax had been in the same school, down to the class. They got along well at the age of 6 years old but when they found out about their families being sworn against each other, they became ultimate rivals. Deep down they wanted to be friends but they put their family first and fought.
Two months later, the war had not been resolved. The taxes had increased, the situation had become dire and the regular letters had reduced. Finally, at the city Council meeting, Claudia spoke out. “This war has gone on for too long,” she exclaimed, “none of us even believe this is a good cause. We are forced to worry for our loved ones in the military and pay absurd dues.”
“I can’t believe I am agreeing with one of your kind, but it’s true,” Ajax said.
Their families exchanged scornful yet pitied glances. A councilman said, “ I got a letter last week informing us that the regiment from our region will be going into battle in two weeks. No one knows the state of the war here except you”
Their Duke, who had been listening, patiently finally spoke up, “The king is doing what is best for our nation,” he pointed at Claudia, “another infraction from you will force me to report you for treason. I am not allowed to say much but we are close to winning.”
“I’ve heard that there hasn’t been much progress and YOUR army is at the same place it was a few months ago!” Exclaimed Ajax
“There have been a few minor uh-hiccups. The military is on track and the king's plan is unfolding well. It would go faster but your city's kind are causing havoc among the barracks. They are severely untrained and as punishment, they will no longer be allowed to send letters regularly. They will have to earn them.”
At this point there was an uproar in the council. Once the dust had settled, the Duke clarified that they would continue to get the casualty list and reassured them that this was for a good cause. Reacting to this, Ajax and Claudia spoke at the same time, “What do we gain from this war?”
No one except them noticed this and the Duke steered the conversation away.
After this meeting, Ajax was scolded by his mother for agreeing with Claudia and reprimanded by his father for even opposing the king. Ajax apologised but began to ponder if Claudia would be a good teammate for him. At night he dreamt that the 2 of them were able to destroy the empire. In the morning, Ajax woke up with an envelope taped to the stone and a mysterious stone-shaped hole in the wall. How that appeared without anyone waking up was a mystery to Ajax. Upon opening the envelope, he found a letter containing only 5 words: Under East Bridge, 12am tomorrow.
Claudia had been standing diligently since 10pm. In her wait, she hadn’t rested or even sat down. Finally at exactly 11:59, Ajax walked under the bridge. As soon as he saw her, Ajax scrunched his nose and turned. “Wait,” called out Claudia, “Just hear me out.” Ajax turned around but didn’t say anything.
“The only reason we dislike each other is not our qualities, just our history. I believe that we can be a good team and if you don’t it is understandable. They are going to battle in two week, we don't have time.”
“What can we do? I’ve been wanting to stop this for months but what can WE achieve?”
“Great things. It’s no longer a question of our ability, but our will. There is an infinitesimally small chance we win but we have to try.”
“How do I know I can trust you? You’re just a Lawrence.”
“We have a common enemy and a common goal. The only thing keeping us apart is the feud between our families. We need to do something about it. I’m not sitting around waiting to read my brother’s name in the papers.”
“I’d rather die trying than lose my Naomi. What’s the plan?”
The time flew as the two new friends strategized. They started at the witching hour but by the time their plan had formed the sun had risen. They decided to each make a small pack and they were going to run away in the night. They would take horses from Ajax’s stable. They were hoping for some miracle by which they reach the capital in time to stop the war.
During the day, Ajax tried to secretly pack supplies but his mother caught him. She asked him why he was packing but he remained sheepishly silent. She whispered, “I know what you are trying to do and I support it. Although I know not how or with who you are doing, never give up. For your sake and Naomi’s. You can take the horses, I'll say they ran away and I’ll take care of your father. I wish you the best of luck.”
Without even waiting for a response, she turned and left.
Meanwhile, Claudia stealthily made her pack but didn’t need the secrecy because her parents had been fighting in their room. She knew not to disturb them unless they started throwing punches which she didn’t foresee. She pitied her mother for not being able to leave her father due to the strict and patriarchal rules enforced by King Sweeney. She was unnoticed the entire day and guessed that she wouldn’t be noticed for at least a few days after she disappeared.
As the final shops were closing, Ajax walked onto the bridge in a hood with 2 horses. From the darkness Claudia emerged and said, “Nice horses, how did you get them?”
“In the name of the lord, where did you come from?”
“I have my skills.”
“Please don’t do that again. These are two of my family horses, Cadmus and Wilford. They ‘ran away’ today.”
“Impressive. Very well then, let's get a move on. We need to cover 50 leagues to reach the capital itself.”
“We’d be pushing the horses but since we’re passing through cities, we can keep refuelling. “
“Indeed, but for now let's travel until one of us gives out.”
“Or we reach the southern city, Mirobar”
With a hearty chuckle, they began their journey. They were just about to exit the city as the Duke spotted them. It appeared as if he had just conversed with the Duke and hence he was on that side of the city. He wasn’t able to recognise Ajax or Claudia due to the dark but he spotted his horses. Cadmus had a very recognisable diamond pattern on his crest which is rare for a chestnut. He remembered hearing that the horses had disappeared from Ajax’s father. He called out, “Guards! Those are stolen horses! Thieves!”
The entire district woke up from the commotion. They urged the horses to gallop away but they soon encountered the city police chasing them. Claudia and Ajax exchanged panicked glances and fled into the woods. They tried everything to shake them off their trail but they wouldn’t let go. After about an hour of zigzagging horses and tight manoeuvres, Claudia and Ajax decided to split off and rendezvous at the next city. As they split, the police did too but they were now much more confused as the forest became denser.
With the sunrise, Ajax trotted into Mirobar on Cadmus. He fed Cadmus some carrots from his bag and they drank water from a river nearby. As Ajax entered the market writing something in his notebook. Out of seemingly nowhere, Claudia popped up and asked, “What are you writing?”
“Oh my, Claudia. You have got to stop materializing everywhere.”
“You would’ve noticed me if you weren’t buried in that notebook of yours. What are you doing?”
“I’m writing something private,” said Ajax while putting it away, “Anyway, we should rest and strategize.”
They found an inn nearby and decided to rest there. When questioned by the innkeeper on why a man and a woman were travelling alone in the middle of a war, they were stumped for a brief moment until Ajax pretended to break down in tears and claim that his brother had died and he was travelling with his wife to reclaim her body. The inn was not very busy so the innkeeper wanted to make conversation with them. They quickly excused themselves to their room and rested there.
“That was some quick thinking,” said Claudia, impressed.
“Really? I was internally panicking and just guessed,” he replied.
“We need to get out of here soon. We have drawn a lot of attention and it’s just a matter of time until our faces are on wanted posters.”
“The horses are a little tired but it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“We can continue on our journey in the afternoon. The second town is close by and we can stay the night there.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
They reached the next town with ease and the night went smoothly. They used the same alibi at the next tavern. When they woke up, they were shocked to see posters with their faces on them. It was not a perfect replication since the police had only seen them during the chase. They covered themselves with hoods and left the town.
They now had to travel across an alluvial plains for a few days. This constituted a large part of the journey. There were no towns on the most direct path which they had to take due to the time restraint. Their packs were now full with food and their waterskins were brimming. They were trying to keep a light hearted attitude, but found it was difficult, especially since they were trying to stop a war.
Claudia noticed that Ajax kept looking at his notebook. She had been intrigued by it since they started the journey, three days ago. After pestering him a little, Ajax gave in. He told her, “I consider myself to be a Bard of sorts. I’ve been writing for Naomi for the past couple days.”
“Oh really? Tell me something.”
“I have written epics, poems, ballads and stories,
Many of them are clean and some are gory.
It is my expression, it is my passion,
I get joy from every writing session.
I have lot skills I’ve honed
Like my fencing and throwing stones.”
“That is extremely impressive, I commend you”
“What are your hobbies? You seem very mysterious.”
“I don’t share with people.”
“Wow Claudia. I feel insulted. You badger me to tell you about my passions, but then you retract into your shell when it comes to yours?”
“It’s none of your business.”
They didn’t talk for the rest of the day. Even though it was extremely boring, they didn’t break their vow of silence until dusk settled, and they had to set up camp. In the morning Claudia apologised to Ajax without giving him any details. Ajax curtly replied with a “thank you” but their tensions had already increased. By the fourth day, they saw storm clouds approaching from in front of them and they felt the wind speed increasing. “If we don’t leave these plains soon, we are in for a beating by this storm,” realised Ajax.
“We have two days until the next town and if we’re lucky, a week until the war begins. We need to stop them before, to make sure the message reaches. Let’s hope the storm goes over us.”
The storm indeed went over them but directly over them. On the fifth day the winds were so high the horses had difficulty walking and noon was darker than twilight.
Finally the clouds burst. The rain was mild at first but then there were flashes of thunder and lightning. The rain stopped feeling like water but pebbles. The rain almost felt horizontal. Claudia yelled over to Ajax that they had to wait it out but Ajax disagreed and said there was no time. After some loud debate over bellowing winds, they decided to continue slowly. A rock flew up and cut Claudia on her arm. Ajax attempted to help her but he couldn’t reach and Claudia couldn’t see him so she thought he had just left her. Distrust had built upon them. It felt as if they were both being slapped by destiny in the form of rain. How could they dare to stop a war if they couldn’t even face nature?
Claudia and Ajax, exhausted and cold with their hair matted and clothes sticking to their skin, were elated to see the sunrise on the sixth day of their journey. The rain calmed to a drizzle and they saw a rainbow after the clouds started clearing. Ajax cleaned Claudia’s wound and bandaged it. They decided to make a fire and sleep for some time for the horses’ health and the travellers’ sanity. They woke up at noon and continued their journey. They had been set back a whole day because of that storm.
“I’m sorry,” said Claudia, “I have been unnecessarily secretive and unsupportive. If we are to be a team and win, I have to be as transparent as you have been.”
“I’m sorry too. I’ve been partial towards you because of our family history. I don’t want to distract ourselves from the fight against this king with a fight against each other.”
“I think I need to tell you about myself. I am good at hiding and stealth as well as archery as you probably have gleaned by now but my passion is art. I’ve loved making paintings and sketches for as long as I can remember.”
“That is spectacular. I would love to see some of it.”
“You can’t. I’ve hidden them in a place only two people can access back home.”
“Your brother?”
“Indeed. He was a form of escape for me. Our parents fight a lot and he used to console me”
“I am so sorry.”
They began to trust each other more. Conversations became smoother and they were more comfortable with each other. It was as if they were meant to be friends. After a week of travelling, they were extremely close to their destination. They had covered 45 leagues, overcome a storm and even become close friends. The town of Slagolo was the final stop before the capital. They had to cross a region full of farms to reach the capital city of Hodorf.
Just as they were entering Slagolo, they were reminded of the wanted posters. They quickly put on their hoods. Ajax had grown a beard along their travels so he was not going to be a subject of suspicion and Claudia used dirt to make her luscious curly hair straight. They were given strange looks but they shrugged it off. They made haste at the market and were off again. In two days they were supposed to reach.
On the 10th day of their journey, they finally reached the capital. Hodorf was an enormous city, divided in two parts. The lower area which had all the ordinary citizens and the Citadel which was for the upper class. Bustling markets, multi-level shops rich houses made completely of marble. It was a city of wonders being tainted by the king’s presence. They talked to people in the market and found out that they were even more upset with King Sweeney. Their initial plan was to ambush the King and take over the power vacuum he would leave but once they saw the security, they knew it was going to be impossible. They realised that the people of Hodorf, even the police, were on the verge of forming a militia themselves. Claudia and Ajax worked to accumulate everyone disliking the King’s rule and war in a tavern. The common room was filling so fast they had to move everyone into the square. Claudia placed a table in the centre and stood on it.
Claudia orated, “It has been too long. This war has taken too many and too much from us. We have a ruler not to exploit us but to do what's best for our country. Sweeney is no King of ours, he is a tyrant, a dictator. He has treated us and our families as pawns, taken so much but barely given anything back. This is no war of betterment he is fighting but a war of greed.” She talked about the pain and suffering he caused, the futility of the war and even equality. She talked of a form of democracy which would be far better than any regime he had placed. She ended her speech saying, “One or two people can’t defeat him but if we band together, we can win! We can stop this war! Who’s with me?”
The entire crowd erupted. Ajax jumped on the table and explained their strategy.
“We outnumber the King’s guards. He has sent most of the military to fight this forsaken war. I will enter first and talk to him and give him a list of our demands. If he refuses, we siege the citadel. One group of people write the demands and rules we’d like to initiate, another group of people, equip everyone with weapons. No need for everyone to have swords and bows. Pots and pans and other damaging household items can be used. Those who are not in the condition to fight, stay back and help with healing the wounded. We will not go down without a fight. Are you with me?"
The crowd quickly got to work. In less than an hour, everything was ready.
Ajax and Claudia walked into the King's court and they listed their demands with conviction. The king, being fed grapes, scoffed at them and his advisors began laughing. Some guards looked inclined to join their side. He told them that they would be crushed under his superiority. They accepted the answer and called a sign. Immediately the militia rushed into the castle. The King in his shock was quickly overcome but not without a fight. There was a low death toll but his guards fought valiantly. Both Ajax and Claudia were wounded but not as much as some people. The King and his advisors were put in jail whereas his guards were let go. It was a stressful and heavy battle. It was balanced because about 30 trained guards were fighting 100 citizens who had little to no training. It lasted for 2 hours until the king surrendered. He was fuming and yelled about revenge.
As the now ransacked castle cleared and the bandages were tied, a messenger brought the war casualty list to the castle. Claudia picked it up and gasped. Ajax rushed over as fast as he could with opening his wounds again. They were too late. The 'untrained' regiments had been sent into war early due to stress and Naomi had been killed. She was one of 20 casualties from the regiment. Claudia's brother had been saved. Ajax wailed and sobbed uncontrollably. The love of his life had died, his reason for stopping the war had died, his purpose in life had perished. Until night, Ajax sobbed and Claudia was with him. She became a comfort, not a replacement for Naomi but a new sister. The messenger was quickly sent back to the border to command the military to retreat.
Ajax spent most of his time alone in the following month. He was present in the writing of the Constitution but did not give much input, he was alone when the army returned with Claudia's brother, he broke down again when his mother came to the capital to meet him. He felt truly alone. He stopped writing anything, none of the beautiful literature. Although Claudia's brother was back and her mother could now be free, she was still not happy. She felt very bad for her companion. She had never met Naomi but hearing Ajax's descriptions of her during their travels made her miss Naomi. She accompanied Ajax everywhere, always ready to talk but waiting for his cues. She even painted a portrait of Naomi for him. Although the army had been reduced, there was a gaping power vacuum and most people in the vast nation didn't even know they had been liberated. Ajax and Claudia made do with what they had. They spread the word of King Sweeney's downfall and soon there were elections.
A year later, Ajax and Claudia were in powerful positions of the newfound government. A peace agreement had been made with their neighbouring countries and they had become a nation. They were still friends, talking regularly through their enormous workload of rebuilding a country. They had received several death threats from supporters of the King but no assassinations had been attempted. Ajax remained melancholic, visiting Naomi's grave regularly. They had managed to flip everyone's world and made a new country. They felt happy and content with their work. They evolved the nation, created new beliefs and had done something truly commendable.