
Save the last dance
Sanghamitra Roy
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Submitted to Contest #1 in response to the prompt: ' Write a story where your character rekindles their friendship with a schoolmate.'

You don't get a call in the middle of the night quite often. But when you do, all sorts of apprehensions pour in. So, here was I, debating whether to answer the call from this unknown number at half past 12 in the night. The true caller id flashed the name, Dola.
Who on earth is this lady? My curiosity got the better of me and I answered the call with a curt, highly accented Hello, the one I usually use for official purposes. There seemed to be a moment of confusion at the other end and then, a cautious query " Is that you, Soha? Dola here. " For a few seconds, I didn't know what to say. This was my very own Dola,my bestie, my confidante, my what not! How on earth did she get my number? Thirty three years! Was it really that long? My brain seemed to be cloaked in a mist. As we would often call ourselves, 'besties from our colourful kindergarten chairs'. That was actually what we were. And then, one day she walks out of my life, not by choice, of course, leaving me heart- broken and companionless. Even, soul less! Because, with her moving to a different city, part of my soul seemed to have gone! We tried to keep in touch for a couple of years, but then, that too came to a halt.
All these years, despite social media, common friends and all, we had been completely oblivious of each other's existence. The only thing I knew about her was that she was in Kolkata and may be, she too knew where I was residing. No more updates. So, at last she had reached out! After the initial outbursts, we were back to our days of camaraderie, busily asking each other what life was like, what had passed along all these years, job, family and all.
So at the end of our first telephonic conversation, we had made up for all the information gap that had occurred, courtsey the past thirty three years of complete absence from each other's life.
Our next conversation was more of an intimate one, not mere exchange of information but exchange of emotions. We discussed all the turbulent, whirlwind situations that life had put us through, what imprints that had left on us. And of course, the happy moments, the moments of victory, as well. After all, the crests and troughs of the thirty three year old journey had to be discussed at length with all the sorrowful sighs, joyful giggles, thoughtful pauses...
We picked up the strings right from where we had left them and all the years that had created such a dismal abyss of darkness in some corner of our hearts were forgotten in a jiffy!
From chatting through the night to meeting occasionally at a common spot( for now both of us had a home in the City of Joy) to exchange notes, we did it all. Things suddenly appeared to have become a tid bit less arduous, with my bestie to hold hands, to share my cares and to spit out the bitterness which life so often forces down our throats without the fear of being judged. She had her own cross to bear. But that too, seemed to have got easier for her. "Your family will always pull you down, no matter what. So, I turn to you whenever I need to take up something new", she would say. And she had such a mind- boggling appetite for taking up more and more challenges. I just can't stop admiring her for the zest she holds for acquiring knowledge. Whenever I assume that she is done with that, I find her shifting gears to start afresh with something new. " Don't you ever tire from pursuing so many things? I would sometimes ask her. Dola would flash a brilliant smile and say " You sound so much like my hubby, when you say that. Actually, ' no'. I have still got much to learn, so why not this one? " Her passion for studies is simply awe- inspiring! I mean, how many of us would have this kind of drive after managing a household single- handedly, constantly catering to the demands of an extremely active kid, that too, after taking a sabbatical from regular studies for almost a quarter of a century?
About the kid... Well, Dola, at first, was a bit hesitant to share the details. But once we were back to chatting like old times, she poured out the entire story.
" Sonai was barely an year when he had tumbled off the bed, as per my mother- in- law's version, you know. Both me and hubby were at college, so we don't know the exact circumstances that led to this nasty fall. He had lost consciousness for a couple of minutes. When we were back home, all we saw was a bump on his head. Ma told us that it was nothing serious. Kids do have these freak accidents. That there was nothing to bother about. He had been treated with an ice pack immediately and he didn't even cry much. Still, I saw the doctor. He asked for a few details and then, he too, advised me to put my worries to sleep. But a couple of months later, I sensed rhat something was not quite right. I mean, he was getting irritable, was shying away from company. At first, I thought that, may be he was having some sort of physical discomfiture, which, as an infant, he could not express. Tried all sorts of things, the usual, regular ones, you know. But as another few months rolled by, I saw that he was not developing speech at the pace he is supposed to. His activities were also at times, a bit off- putting. So, I decided to see the doctor. After some regular tests, the doctor grew a bit sombre.
" Look Ms Sen, your kid seems to be displaying symptoms of mild autism.
Now, now, don't get alarmed. I said ' mild'. It might not be actually so".. But the alarm bells were already ringing in my head. Oh God, why ? Had that fall triggered this? The doctor was evasive on this issue. "May be, may be not. After all, there's nothing to substantiate your conjecture. But, I suggest that you seek counselling for your kid. I am not qualified for that job. Ok, good day, Ma'am. And, be with the child as much as you can. "
I arranged for an apppointment with the top child counsellor of the city. And henceforh, it has been an endless exercise. We have run pillar to post for Sonai, but with little iimprovement. Got him admitted in several special schools, online classes with special educators. I gave up my job. He needs me, you see. "
"And you Dola? What about you?" "Well, for a pretty long time I have been groping in the darkness, the insurmountable challenges that I was faced with, every single day of my life. But now, you are back to watch my back," Dola said with a touch of frivolity to the genuine tenderness in her voice.
"So, come over to my place, someday. I promise you, we will have a blast. Do you remember us dancing together in every school event? " I told her. " Oh yes, of course, I do. I haven't danced with anyone, ever since. Just couldn't bear to. And then, there was this accident that has crippled me, mentally.Every time I tried, something inside me would hurt terribly. And now, I doubt, whether I can ever dance again. "
"You can, and you will... With me obviously", I said. " Then may be, it'll be the last time I'd dance. " "But why?" I asked her. She averted her gaze and simply mumbled, "I have saved the last dance for you, Soha! "

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