
Rivals in the storm
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Submitted to Contest #1 in response to the prompt: ' A long-standing rivalry takes an unexpected turn when circumstances force two opponents to work together.'

For decades, the rivalry between Alice and Lucy had been the worst rivalry in their field ever. Both of them were in a constant fight to establish their superiority—Alice, a brilliant architect known for designing environmentally sustainable buildings, and Lucy, an ambitious real estate tycoon who prided on herself on turning even the shabbiest properties into profitable landmarks.

They had found themselves in conflicts many a times over projects, bidding wars in tenders, and opposing visions. Their competitive spirits didn’t let any other architect get over them. Now, it wasn’t just about business; it became personal. They had both fought to prove they were the best and tycoons of the industry, and each time one of them took a step ahead, the other was determined to go ten steps further. It was an unending rivalry, fuelled by hard work and determination.

But everything changed in one day.

The news created an environment of fear and havoc in the city—an unexpected, terrifying storm. A massive natural disaster, a severe hurricane, was approaching the city. The storm was expected to hit within hours, and the officials were preparing for the worst. The government was ready to execute rescue operations, but there was only very little they could do in the situation of such a catastrophe.

A citywide emergency meeting was called, by the mayor, bringing together the most powerful architects in the region, including Alice and Lucy.

The mayor shouted in frustration in the meeting: "We need some solution. There is a need of safe space to shelter the thousands of people who will be displaced. We need to get it ready quickly. This is not just about business; it’s about saving lives. It is about humanity"

A collective murmur ran through the room. The time continued to pass on.

Alice’s mind thought at the speed of light. She had worked on disaster relief buildings before, structures that were made designed to withstand extreme conditions. Her designs were known for being structurally strong, able to withstand the force of nature. And then there was Lucy—her greatest rival. Lucys’s companies owned some of the biggest properties in the city, out of which many were in flood-prone areas. She could provide the space. But there was a catch. The two women had never been able to work together, not even when it mattered.

However, the mayor’s next words were for them only: "I’m calling on both of you. You’ll need to work together with all the resources you have and create something together. The city needs a shelter, and the only way to make it happen is if you both collaborate."

The first few moments were tense. Alice crossed her arms, her mind was already full with plans, but Lucy spoke first.

"I don’t know what you think this is, Alice, but I don’t work with people like you. This isn’t any design contest. You do your part, I’ll do mine. And if this fails, it’s on you."

Alice’s said. "I’m not the one who turned flood zones into luxurious buildings, Lucy."

The words were harsh, but they were true. Lucy had converted the flood prone areas into premium real estate, ignoring the warnings of environmentalists and engineers. That was where the rivalry had begun years ago. Alice believed in eco-friendly, disaster-resistant designs, while Lucy believed in profit-driven development.

But this time, their differences didn’t matter as the storm was on its way.

The mayor spoke again. "Enough! The people are depending on you both. Work together or don’t bother showing up.

As the hours passed and the storm approached, the two women were forced to put aside their rivalry and start working. They couldn’t even waste even a second in such a situation.

Alice was expert in the field of sustainable architecture, while Lucy knew the city’s structure in a very good manner. Alice worked on the blueprint for the shelter—with solar power, rainwater collection systems, and wind-resistant walls. Lucy had the resources—empty buildings, the contractors who could take the contract on notice.

As the hours passed there was a change in their behaviour. Alice saw a quality of Lucy she had never expected—she only didn’t work from the perspective of a businesswoman but a woman who cared about the people who lived in her city. Lucy listened to Alice’s advice about flood zones and infrastructure, to make the necessary changes to ensure safety of the people.

Lucy also saw Alice’s dedication—not just as an architect, but as someone who really cared about the environment and the safety of the people.

By the time the storm reached their city, their mission was completed. Together, they had prepared the largest emergency shelter in the city—capable of accommodating thousands of people and built to withstand the storm. The former rivals in the duration of a few hours, created something far bigger than they had imagined.

The hurricane roared like a beast outside, but inside the shelter, people were safe. Alice and Lucy stood in the shelter, their exhaustion evident, but a sense of accomplishment lingered in the air. For the first time, they didn’t need to outdo each other. They had worked together—not because they had to, but because they wanted to.

"I thought this was impossible," Lucy said Alice.

Alice smiled. "Neither did I."

There was a moment of silence before Lucy spoke again. "We could do this again, you know. Work together, I mean."

Alice paused, she had never imagined it—teaming up with Lucy, someone who had been her greatest rival. But now, seeing the results of their collaboration, she realized that maybe, they were stronger together than apart.

"Maybe," Alice said. "But only if you promise to stop turning flood zones into skyscrapers and buildings."

Lucy chuckled; the rivalry finally broken. "Deal."

As the storm ended and the city slowly began to rebuild, Alice and Lucy found that the rivalry they had carried for so many years had transformed into something else entirely—mutual respect. And in that time, they had created something far more powerful than just a shelter from the storm. They had found a way to face the future—together.

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Your writing is so beautiful because you always know the right word for the right moment.

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Amazing story

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