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A Born Leader

Martin Luther King Jr once said, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a moulder of consensus.” What if we could design the leaders of tomorrow in a revolutionary new way? Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, presents A Born Leader by David Amir.

Different people might define leadership differently. However, there’s one thing that remains undisputed is the unique aura of charisma and mystery that hovers around successful leaders from almost every walk of life. In an epic quest to redefine what leadership and an ideal leader is all about, David Amir weaves an inspiring tale with intricate characters set in the corporate world with A Born Leader. In the book, a multi-national corporation is in the midst of a serious crisis. All efforts to keep the ship afloat have been in vain. The company’s brilliant CEO who was brought in to be its saviour is fighting heroically, but so far, all his efforts have yielded little success. Fortunately, a mysterious man named Adam Stone seems to have all the answers!

Through patience, dedication and an original leadership and management theory, they work together harmoniously with perseverance on a pilot program that may turn the situation around. They work towards aligning everything as per their master plan to revolutionize the functioning of their corporation like never before. The story revolves around one single question: What will it take for Adam to steer the company into prosperity? Packaged as a quality thriller with a different viewpoint, A Born Leader offers a brand-new practical solution to one of the most critical problems of our generation; the dwindling of natural leadership in our world. Having successfully managed a number of large corporations and studied the subject from the inside for a long period, author David Amir presents the reasons that have brought our generation into such a steep decline in leadership through this book. Moreover, it highlights the ways in which we might be able to reshape the leaders of the future, and hence, making the world a better place for us to live in. A Born Leader is Amir’s answer to the question “What would it take to bridge the quality gap between the current and required leadership?”

A Born Leader author David Amir is one of the true business leaders of our country. With over 30 years of experience in diverse key management positions, in which he held the role of CEO, COO and Business Development Senior Vice President in leading high-tech companies, initiating breakthroughs and leading them from the concept stage to development and marketing throughout the world. It is a source of pride for him that he has nurtured key people with special management workshops emphasizing a leader’s responsibilities to enthral people and ignite their curiosity and motivation on the way to realizing their vision. For several years, he has keenly observed the influence of proper leadership on an organization’s performance and development. Witnessing the industry’s major changes and the internet disruption that changed the “rules”, Amir has gathered unique insights and a clear perspective on the essentials for true leadership. Throughout the years, it became evident that the demand for professional managers has increased with time, and the sparse supply of them, leads the world to compromise on a mediocre level of management and leaders. 

A Born Leader is Amir’s answer to the question “What would it take to bridge the quality gap between the current and required leadership?” Grab your copy of A Born Leader by David Amir in print and e-book format at the Notion Press Bookstore amongst other leading e-commerce portals such as Amazon and Flipkart.


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