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Notion Press Presents- The River Of Ages by Sona Singh

The River of Ages

“Leaves and limbs; suns and saints.
Were all born, will all burn
blazing blight
All that will live Is death
Narrating the story of a lovely rhyme
Life and love, playing by the ocean In Its tide
Love will be that’s left of life
Rest all will burn blazing blight”

Indian history, mythology, and folk tales are brimming with stories of love and fantasy, intriguing us and leaving us wanting more. With gods and goddesses, kings and queens, mystical creatures, divine powers, and pure magic; it is no doubt that the best of stories are inspired by mysticism and fuelled by imagination. This is one such story, here to mesmerize you and churn your heart!

Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform presents- The River Of Ages, The Prophecy of Nagas by Sona Singh, a fantastical tale that is a must-read for every avid reader!

The book opens a window into the simple lives of a prince, princess, a village woman, and her daughter. The lives change when magic and its tales revive, for worlds to be saved or wither away.

Vidi, a village healer, and her daughter Saphrina have their usual problems such as being a cranky maid, weird battle nightmares. Saphrina on the other hand has fallen in love with a kingdom knight. Vadi, a Naga princess, is excited for her coming of age ceremony that promises to find her love, a nagmani.

When foul things set foot on earth and the underworld, Patal, the River of Ages, the life source of Nagas has turned rancid to mutate life. Earthly armies are marching in secret and while few have escaped from Nark, the prison of creation! Simple lives are now sure to get complicated and in their hands will lay the future of all creation, for the River Of Ages carries the tears of Rudra and Parvati, tears of pain and love, capable of both catastrophe and creation.

Through The River Of Ages by Sona Singh, trail their voyage through love, battle, pain, and true resilience. It all begins here!
Author Sona Singh comes from a small town and carries the most important asset of those dreams. He rose through to pursue biotechnology and take up a career in Education but like many ‘nobody’ he still clings onto the ‘side business’ of a being dreamer and storyteller. He believes stories can help people dream, hold on to in dark and get back up to living. He takes a deep interest in mythology fiction. Fantasy and fairy tales, he feels are the daily lives of people just in a different ‘language’. It’s the miracle in our ordinary lives that get us through; little we realize that we are the magic to those miracles. This is the tale he wants to narrate minds that are ready to dream.

The River Of Ages by Sona Singh is now available across all major e-commerce platforms including Amazon, Flipkart, and the Notion Press online store. Grab your copy now!

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