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The River of Ages The Prophecy of Nagas

Author Name: Shanta Sona Singh | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Somewhere on Earth… Vidi, a village healer and her daughter, Saphrina, have the usual problems – a cranky maid, weird nightmares about battles that seem strangely real and, for Saphrina, a blossoming crush on a knight. 

Meanwhile, in Nagalok…Vadi, a Naga princess, is excited about her coming of age ceremony, that will bring her a Nagamani and a prophesy of love. But foul things have set in motion on Earth and in the Underworld. The River of Ages, the life source of the Nagas is turning toxic. Earthly armies are marching in secret and a deadly few have escaped from Nark, the Prison of Creation. Many simple lives are going to get complex, and a few unlikely heroes will emerge. In their hands will lie the future - for the River of Ages carries the tears of Rudra and Parvati - tears of pain and love, capable of catastrophe and creation. Which of the two will triumph?

Are Heaven, Earth and the Patal heading towards salvation or destruction?


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Shanta Sona Singh

Sona Singh comes from a small town and is equipped with the most important asset – imagination. He has a formal degree in Biotechnology and a day job as an educator, but, like many nobodies, he clings to his ‘real  business’, that of a being dreamer and a storyteller. He believes stories help people to dream, dispel darkness and reclaim life. He takes deep interest in mythological fiction. Fantasy and fairy tales, he says, are about the daily lives of people, “just in a different language”. It’s the miracles in our ordinary lives that gets us through; little do we realize that we are the magic in those miracles. This is the tale he wants to narrate to minds that are ready to dream.



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