Xpress Publishing

Create a book on your own. Use our free tools to turn your manuscript into a book, in just a matter of minutes.

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Why Xpress?

With the Xpress option you can use our publishing tools to turn your ideas into a book, just the way you want, in no time at all. You have complete control over how you want to publish and where you want the book to be distributed. The best part? It is completely free.

Who should choose Xpress?

Are you publishing a book just for your friends and family or a small local market that you can reach on your own? Do you already have a team, that is helping you perfect the design, editing and marketing aspects for your book? Then this option is perfect for you.

Why Notion Press?

The Xpress platform offers a seamless publishing experience with its easy to use tools. Create your book using the book editor, format the interiors using our pre-set templates, Upload your book cover or design your own with our cover design tool, select your distribution channels and get published. It's that easy!

How to get started

The Xpress platform offers a seamless publishing experience with its easy to use tools . Create your book using the book editor, format the interiors using our pre-set templates, Upload your book cover or design your own with our cover design tool, select your distribution channels and get published. It's that easy!

The Publishing Process


Add your Title Information

Fill your book’s information like Title, Subtitle and Author Name


Design your book

Choose book size and finishes, design your book’s cover and interior layout.


Select Distribution and set Price

Choose where you’d like to distribute your book and set your book’s selling price


Submit your book for publishing

Add your book’s blurb and author bio. Choose your book’s category and submit your book for publishing.