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Animal Communication

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | 33 Chapters

Author: Akshaya V. Kawle

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Animal Communication is an innate ability we all have. This book helps the reader to reconnect with this ability. It speaks about talking to animals earth-bound and in spirit, understanding their behavioural and health issues, dealing with missing animal cases, grasping the core fundamentals of animal communication, and practical tips to encounter the journey ahead. This book compels you to realign your thought process and think laterally while g....


For as far as I can remember, I have always held a special connection with animals. At about four years of age, I started taking a keen interest in animals and their ways of life. My very first interaction was with the several stray cats that lived in the premises of my apartment complex, my favourite among them being a black one whom I named Sweety.

My first memory of talking to Sweety was holding an imaginary conversation with her. I would speak to her as normally as I would to my parents and family. And I knew she would reply too. But it was mostly me making up the responses in my head, imagining what Sweety could possibly be saying to me.

This was my first experience with Telepathic Animal Communication. Of course, back then I didn’t know these sweet, friendly conversations with my cat would possess such deeper meaning much later in my life. In hindsight, I now know that that’s where this beautiful journey of telepathic communication began for me.

Many years later, I was reintroduced to this concept, properly this time. While surfing through the internet, I came across a video where a famous and senior-most animal communicator spoke to a big wild cat. It was through this telepathic communication that the majestic animal shared his story, his lifestyle habits, and his concerns.

The communication had a positive impact on the animal and soon enough he changed his personality from being unfriendly and anxious to being calm and confident.

Watching this video immediately brought back memories of my long lost friend, Sweety, and our conversations. It was at that moment that I realised we, in fact, did speak to each other! I was oblivious to my indulgence in animal communication since my early childhood days and was only made aware of it that day.

I instantly decided to start communicating again with my own animals at home with an open mind and heart, and with a clear intention of listening to them and learning from them. I always portrayed a deep interest in intuitive work. I was used to reading tarot cards, working with crystals, reiki energy healing, theta healing, and was also adept at analysing handwriting and signatures.

Therefore, the idea of communicating telepathically didn’t seem very unusual or far-fetched to me. With the help of my animals, I slowly started getting a firm grip on my telepathic communications. I was self-educating and was improving with each communication I had.

Of course, I did make plenty of mistakes in the initial phase. But I gathered as much material as I could to help me understand this phenomenon better. Reading books, blogs, and watching more videos on this subject helped me gain deeper insights as to how nature and animal telepathic communication works.

I learnt from the experience and expertise shared by communicators from across the globe. However, I missed having a mentor. I strongly believe in the power of being closely guided by a mentor. So, I began to look for courses and workshops for learning and grasping this incredible blend of art and science.

Timing is everything and that’s something I have truly learnt from all the animals I have communicated with. And the timing wasn’t right for me then to learn from a guru.

I still had to practise on my own and gain experiences and learnings from the animals themselves. I had complete faith in all my animal friends, who guided me so far that they would also guide me to my teacher. And they did. Not just to one, but to many!

Another couple of years of practice later, I took up a wonderful course on telepathic animal communication and thus, met my first teacher. It was through her that I learnt the step-by-step methods of connecting to animals. These steps helped me a great deal to hold clear telepathic connections. I use these very steps to date, albeit with a personal touch, and also teach them to my students.

With the new-found knowledge and the support of my teacher, I started practising every day not only with my own animals but also with animals all over the world. Time, space, and distance truly didn’t matter. Just the intention of having a pure line of communication with the animals did.

Within a couple of months, I found several new teachers with whom I had the privilege of furthering my knowledge of telepathic communication. I trained under several qualified animal communicators from the USA, Australia, as well as India.

Since then I have spoken to thousands of animals and plants, both in a personal and professional capacity, and each communication has been a lesson for me. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to be able to share this knowledge with other wonderful people who are now successfully communicating telepathically.

Through this book, I wish to share that knowledge with you all who want to reconnect to nature and relearn the Language of Telepathic Communication. This is your stepping stone towards acquiring the vast wisdom animals and nature are waiting to share with us. Following the simple steps as mentioned in this book will help you begin your own telepathic communication journey.

We all are students here and there is so much to learn from every experience that we go through. I have only just begun my journey and have a long way to go.

Telepathic communication has helped me connect better with my own self, emotions, and feelings, thus ensuring better relationships and a happier life. Having enriched my life, it has truly transformed every aspect of it. I hope you’re as excited as I am to embark on the journey, and that this book guides you to this amazing transformation as well!

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Our mind is capable of amazing things. However, our conscious mind demands logical reasoning and tangible proofs. Telepathic communication is one such capability all species possess that doesn’t hold any tangible evidence of its existence.

One can’t see it, but only experience it as they themselves indulge in it. As a telepathic communicator myself, I can share umpteen real-life experiences with you about the beautiful connections and conversations I have had with other species and nature. However, unless you experience it for yourself, it becomes difficult for the logical, rational thinking human to accept it.

It is a common misconception that only a few gifted individuals are able to communicate telepathically. This book aims at having all readers experience telepathic communication for themselves by busting this myth and relearning this art that we may have lost touch on over time.

The power to connect with all forms of energies is within all of us. We shall learn to unleash this power and thus communicate with not only animals but all forms of living beings and energies that exist along with us in nature.

As a communicator, we are able to send and receive messages and are capable of holding full-fledged conversations with other species and nature. It is a conversation that we hold in the telepathic language. And just like in any other language, the clarity in the communication comes with constant practice.

Thoughts and emotions are not dependent on any verbal language. The messages are sent and received through our senses. As discussed previously, all living beings are capable of communicating telepathically.

That is our natural language, our mother tongue taught and gifted to us by Mother Nature. While everyone is capable of having a conversation using this language, some may pick it up faster than others.

Imagine it to be a subject at school. While some students may have a flair for mathematics, others may love science, while others may be language enthusiasts. And while all students are equally equipped to learn all subjects, some may pick up a subject faster than the others.

Likewise, some communicators may have clearer and detailed communication right from the beginning of their journey, while some individuals will get better with a bit more practice. The point here is to be able to communicate with other species. Trust the process and with constant practice and faith in your animal guides, you will reach the proficiency that you seek.

This book equips you with everything you need to be able to nail the art of telepathic conversation. I assure you, the quality and the quantity of your communication will definitely get better with time and practice.

As we move in further, we will learn that each animal or being that we speak to trusts us and has immense faith in us. It is easy to have doubts about the conversations we hold since our human mind is flogged with the requirements of tangible proof of everything we do.

While validations from humans will help boost your confidence, your love, trust, and INTENTION will help animals put their faith in you better. Keep this in your heart and open up your mind to this wonderful world of telepathic communication.

Just as we would talk to other people, in telepathic communication we transfer thoughts, emotions, and feelings to the other being through our intention. We think about it with the intention of sending it to the particular being and trust that they will receive.

In other words, a solid Intention is the key to conducting seamless, uninterrupted telepathic communication. If there is one thing that you must always bear in mind, it is to set a clear, sturdy intention.

Let’s do this exercise. What is your intention for reading this book? What is your intention to learn telepathic communication? What is your intention to be able to talk to animals? Make a small list of your answers and hold on to it until you’re through with this book.

At the end of it, you will realise that you were able to achieve exactly what you intended upon learning from this book. Nothing more, nothing less. You got what you intended for, provided your intentions were absolutely clear.

Your intention plays an imperative role in telepathy. It is only when you clearly intend on connecting with an animal will you be truly able to connect and have a telepathic conversation.

Hence, telepathy and intention always go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. Clearly understanding this concept right at the beginning helps in easier assimilation and implementation of the concepts further discussed in this book.

Through this book, I lay down all the specific lessons you need to learn to practice animal communication. Once you’re through with the contents in this record, most of your questions on animal communication and telepathy will be duly answered.

In my years of practice, I have seen pet parents struggling with all sorts of concerns regarding their companion animals.

What is animal communication?

What happens to my animal when they pass away?

Can we speak to animals that have crossed over?

What is my animal trying to tell me?

Why are they behaving unusually?

Why did they leave home?

Are they ever going to come back to me?

… And the list never ends.

In this book, you’ll have all these queries catered to and your questions answered. I have finely broken down my experiences and lessons step-by-step so that you don’t face any hindrance when you get started on your journey of communicating with animals.

There are ample lessons I’ve collected owing to my years of studying and practising, backed up by real-life stories to help you grasp the concepts to the best of your ability.

Unlike me, you wouldn’t need to conduct trial-and-error experiments to figure out a way through a dead end. The answers to your questions are all here, served on a platter, ready to be devoured for the ones interested.

See you inside!

Akshaya V. Kawle

Nature and Animal Communicator

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Understanding the Basics of Animal Communication


Telepathic Communication

Telepathic communication is the most natural form of message transmission known to all living beings. We are all born with the knowledge and skill of this language. It is via telepathy that parents understand their newborns better, just as is the case with all species.

We are not dependent on verbal language to communicate with our loved ones. A simple thought or a feeling is easily picked up by them even without us trying too hard.

As far as the textbook definition of telepathy goes, it is the extrasensory perception exchanged through thoughts and ideas between two minds by which information is shared and messages are conveyed.

Our world, at large, is still quite sceptical of accepting telepathy as a common communication outlet and one of the innately occurring senses that we all possess. However, as animal communicators, our understanding of telepathy is a little different.

We believe telepathy to be a universal language by which all beings, living or otherwise, convey information amongst each other. Telepathy is the transfer of information via thoughts, feelings, intentions, and emotions.

Technically speaking, ‘telepathy’ is a culmination of two words: ‘tele’ meaning distance and ‘pathy’ meaning feelings or senses. Thus, telepathy means distance communication with the help of our senses. Our senses become the media to telepathic communication.

Telepathy is channelled through our six major senses in the form of thoughts, emotions, intentions, and feelings. This non-verbal communication forms the backbone of all energy exchange that takes place around us.

As humans, we may have lost touch with this innate ability that we possess but the rest of nature hasn’t. And they continue to communicate telepathically all the time.

Even though our conscious and intelligent mind refrains from accepting telepathy as a valid form of communication, it still doesn’t cease doing so subconsciously. Moreover, as humans, our real challenge is to accept that we’re capable of telepathic communication and not the art of telepathic communication itself.

As far as us humans are concerned, we possess telepathic powers and even use them at a subconscious level. I’m sure you’ve experienced or witnessed it in action several times in your lifetime.

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BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | 33 Chapters

Author: Akshaya V. Kawle

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Animal Communication

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