Inside Notion Press - Self Publishing Blog

Social Media Marketing – How to use it to your advantage

Building a buzz around your book:

Before you start publishing your book, you need to spend time building an author platform, as we saw in the previous posts.

But once you’ve started the process of publishing, you need to focus on building a platform for your book, or in other words building a buzz around your book, so that when it is finally released it will be received by an interested and excited audience.

Building a buzz basically means that you share little pieces of information about your book at regular intervals to make your readers curious and get them interested.

To this end, the first thing you have to do is to gather or develop enough content. Preparation in advance is a must, to ensure that you have enough content to post regularly, even during the times that you’re busy.

Here’s what you have to do:

Once you’re done gathering your content, you’re all set to build a book platform.

Task list:

If you’ve done all of this, your book will have a fairly solid presence online. And remember, the internet, like your book, is going to be there forever. So months, maybe, years later, someone who reads a post about your book would go ahead and buy it.

The best investment you can make for your book is time. Do it.

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