Inside Notion Press - Self Publishing Blog

Finding Influencers among your Target audience

Marketing to the right target audience is the most rewarding part of marketing your book. But focusing deeper into the target audience to find influences among them can be much more fruitful.

how to find influencers?

Once you’ve zeroed in on your target audience, you need to be on the look-out for people who are in a position to influence larger audiences. For Example, if your book is on parenting and child psychology, you will mostly find your target audience in parenting sites and forums.

One of the advantages of these sites is that it is not just rambles and discussions of new parents or bored mothers; you can find a lot of paediatricians, gynaecologists, or even psychologists who participate in discussions or answer questions raised by other members. When you find these people you can share your book with them and if they like it, they may in turn share it with their patients.


Another best way to find influential people is through blogs. It provides a marketing platform to enter into conversations with online users and attract attention to you and thereby your works. If you already have your own blog, reach out to the influential bloggers who are following your blog; or search for bloggers who write on topics relating to your book. Reach out to them and have them promote your book. Reward them if need be with gift vouchers or promotion of their blog.

Influential bloggers have a trusted, loyal and large audience, and gaining access to them can be a powerful form of marketing. It will also give you access to their network.

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