By Atharva Thite in Poetry | Reads: 501 | Likes: 1
 पतिव्रता   औरत है उसका एक ही धर्म है, पति की सेवा में वो हाजिर है। क्योंकि औरत छू सकती हैं आसमान, लेकिन समाज की बेड  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 04:18 PM
"Look Into The Mirror"
By Anushree Sahoo in Poetry | Reads: 306 | Likes: 1
Look into the mirror and tell me If you like what you see. ──────────────    Because that's the problem, isn't it? Many of us don't. And in the end, it will end up bothering us Even if we say that it won't. Our definition of success was peace When no one would   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 05:32 PM
By Shalvi Singh in Poetry | Reads: 329 | Likes: 1
ambar de kinaare, mere khwaab ne saare, jee mere kadam vi haare, haan main khamb sahare   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 06:35 PM
By Shaurya Agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 1
TEARS HEAL When you find that you areOut of love with yourselfWhen you feel like youare no longer  lovedWhen you find it hardTo believeThat you have a purposeWhen all the scary nightmaresNegative feelingsTraumatizing moments of your pastCome falling down on your head like a house of cards;   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 06:36 PM
By shivangi sharma in Poetry | Reads: 246 | Likes: 1
ADDICTION There has been a lot of addicts known, but what about those acting like a clown. Phones are a great way to communicate, but what about the addiction you guys can't relate. Social media; Skype calls are all cool, but don't spend your life holding phone like a fool. Phones are a great wa  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 07:20 PM
नफ़रत ना फैलाओ
By ratna singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,209 | Likes: 1
आज उन्हें पत्थर मार रहे जो तुम्हें बचाने चले हैं,संभल जाओ ज़रा,वो पत्थर तुम्हारे लिये पहाड़ ना बन जाए।कभी उनकी भी तक़्  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 07:52 PM
एक एसी जगह
By ratna singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,058 | Likes: 1
किसी की आंखें नम हैं ,कोई टूटा पड़ा है,ये कौन सी जगह है जहांहर मोड़ पे गम है ,हर मोड़ पे कोई अपना छूटा पड़ा है।एसा भी क्या ह  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 08:12 PM
A journey of being daughter to being a mother....
By Tanvi in Poetry | Reads: 459 | Likes: 1
Once upon a time she was pampered carefree daughter... She never moved herself to drink a glass of water... She was fed before she could feel intense hunger.. Life was so blissful when she was younger.. And soon the time took her to another shore.. Now Let's see what happens further.. From a daughte  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 08:15 PM
Just a regret!!
By anjali sharma in Poetry | Reads: 780 | Likes: 1
Nothing but all my feud thoughts ends up for you,Dwelling into my sadness is all i do.At times heart becomes numb and  eyes become wet,Pondering why did i let my heart suffer a wreck.Getting lost in your trap is all i regret,Wish that just once fate cared about me and we had never met.That wide  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 10:15 PM
Families on a sunday evening
By Shaurya Agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 228 | Likes: 1
it was a Sundayalmost everybody was homenear my colony, it was around 7:30and everybody was roaming on the top of the house if you were on the terracethat time and you would take a lookaround then you would see the neighborhood families that are enjoying themselves very muchas they freely   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 10:19 PM
मां बच्चे का निर्मल नाता
By Chandni in Poetry | Reads: 1,233 | Likes: 1
मां बच्चे का है इस जग में, बड़ा ही निर्मल नाता, मां का दर्जा सबसे ऊपर, इससे बढ़कर कुछ नहीं।। नौ महीने कोख में रखकर, सार  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 10:23 PM
सैरभैर मन
By pooja in Poetry | Reads: 672 | Likes: 1
कधी कधी मन खूप भरून येतं, मनात कल्लोळ होतो भावनांचा, मग त्या बाहेरही येत नाही,अन् नीट आत पण रहात नाही, उत्पात घडवून आ  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 10:35 PM
बेटियों को पढ़ाएंगे
By Chandni in Poetry | Reads: 426 | Likes: 1
बेटियों को पढ़ाएंगे, बेटियों को बचाएंगे,  देश की बेटियों को, साक्षर हम करवाएंगे।। मोदी ने बताया, मोदी ने समझाया, बे  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 10:45 PM
By Virgin Heart in Poetry | Reads: 1,334 | Likes: 1
हम रिश्ते जैसे भयानक शब्दों से दूर ही रहा करते है जनाब, नहीं तो क्या पता कब, कोन और कहा से हमारी पीठ पीछे प्रहार कर दे  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:12 PM
By Virgin Heart in Poetry | Reads: 606 | Likes: 1
बात उससे करो जिससे बात करने के लिए आपकी मर्ज़ी खुद ब खुद हा बोले, उससे नहीं जिससे बात करने के लिए आपको अपनी मर्ज़ी को   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 11:50 PM