மும்மூர்த்திகளை வாழ்த்துவோம்
By Theodur Rayan in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 1
மும்மூர்த்திகளை வாழ்த்துவோம்  முகத்தை மூடி அகத்தில் இருந்தோம் (யாம்)  மூச்சுக் காற்று முடிக்கும் என்றறிந்  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 06:38 AM
Day 1: Overwhelmed
By swati Anand in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
Not that I was on the roads and rebelling  the cause, But the news hit me hard like a necessary chaos. I didn’t really know how to feel about it though, Felt emotions coming all at once in a row. It’s important, so essential the head said, “It’s for your family and yours  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 03:09 PM
Bella Ciao - Hindi
By Ghost in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
Mein Azaad tha, Mein kisaan tha, Mujhe maara kyu batlaaoooooo Mein Azzad tha, Mein Kisaan tha, Mujhe maara kyun batlaaaoooo Hogaya waqt ab, Ab tumhara, Ab tum jao Ab tum jao Ab tum, jao jao jao Hogaya waqt ab Ab tumahra Ab tu jao yaaha se Ab tum jao yaaha se Ab tum jao yaha se   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 05:38 PM
By Prakash Rathod in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 1
Yesterday, I admired her spirit, Today, I'm wondering inside deep water. Yesterday, I embraced the night, Today, I'm searching the light. Yesterday, the beauty from the dawn danced with tribes, Today, I'm playing the music in their huts. I'm the flower, craving for the sun shine, Lost in love with a  Read More...
Published on Apr 4,2020 10:58 AM
My love would know me better
By Arpita Singh in General Literary | Reads: 405 | Likes: 1
Love. A simple word. Yet, having dynamic meanings. Four letters, like the four petals of a lily; delicate and soft. A question perhaps. Or, an answer for some. Quite riddling, for sure. How do you find love in life? And, does love stay? It traps you in a cage. It makes you fly in the skies. Why are   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 02:40 PM
A letter to a Daughter
By andal chitturi in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
A Letter to a Daughter       My dear Daughter,you came into my life and  introduced me to the world of ' unconditional love'...When you were born,I held you with pride and happiness and now after many years,you are making me proud in every little way....      My he  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 01:25 AM
By Charu Bhatnagar in General Literary | Reads: 405 | Likes: 2
The familiarity of the dirt touched his senses like always; the earthy smell, the muddy boots and the dense foliage of trees on both sides of the road. He loved this dirt-road. A walk to and fro his office every day usually charged his contentment. The residential colony he lived in offered greener   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 01:45 AM
By Ayush Bijalwan in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
Muje aaj be pyar he tumhare saath guzari har Ek saam se   Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 05:14 PM
The New Normal
By Subhadra Voleti in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 1
THE NEW NORMAL From a crazy morning hurrying to work through rush hour traffic To waking up in peace and walking to your home office We have come to a new normal From meetings in large conference rooms in huge Corporate offices To seeing each other in video conferencing sessions We have come to a   Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 07:27 PM
Intimacy of my love
By Yash Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
I know intimacy comes easy to some,but I am not one of themand your lips are already on mine,while my hands still shake a thousand times before thought of holding you even occurs to me.My world is too much of blurred lines and there is a million rings of smoke that escape my mouthbefore I can even s  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 11:52 AM
My Privilege
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
                               My privilege An abundance of gratitude to this life Well lived days, a big high five Took this life in hands, played a game A terrible thing: no one to blame.  So rich and colorful to   Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 01:13 PM
By arsalan shaikh in Romance | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
One side love is very dangerous to the heart  I love girl very badly   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 09:14 PM
I can fly
By Saranya Krishnan M in Poetry | Reads: 404 | Likes: 0
The waves of murk Veiled the hues of her dreams, Dreams that still lurk Beneath the shadowy eye reams   Tired of the long tarry Trawling for a chance, To elude the knarry To elude the trance   Then befell the flash of hope Divulging her eye’s elegancy, Sparkles came to unfurl the ro  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 08:00 AM
Autobiography of a Twig
By saumya singh in Poetry | Reads: 404 | Likes: 0
THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A TWIG  I was once a part of a huge tree As happy as one could be I was covered with lush green leaves And never had time to grieve   My position was so high That I could almost touch the sky From there I used to see The golden ball going in the sea   At night sof  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 01:08 PM
Love At First Painting
By Shefali in Romance | Reads: 404 | Likes: 1
All it took us were few more punishments in the primary school where teachers use to make sit a boy between two girls and a girl between two boys. I was in 4th std, where one boy stayed absent in the entire semester and the other one was an artist.. It was love at first painting made by him in the d  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 11:40 AM