By An idiot of romance in Poetry | Reads: 646 | Likes: 0
Fly away  girl. Fly away as fast as you could and as far as you can.  They are not flowers. Those are claws and are not as they seem to be. Those sharp talons that you see are deceptive. You can’t see the sharpness right now because they are cleverly covered with pretty pink lit  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 05:50 AM
Beautiful lockdown
By preeti in Poetry | Reads: 539 | Likes: 0
What is the beauty of this lockdown..... I can see my plants growing I can welcome my chirping guests with immense pleasure I have time to sit and talk to my own self Do you know the beauty of this lockdown... It has strengthened emotional connections I has taught how to spend lesser It has become a  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 10:11 AM
A dream to survive 2020
By Sonu fakiha in General Literary | Reads: 363 | Likes: 0
It's been years now, the monotony continued, the morning chores were carried out. There were few additions to the chores. Parents made sure their children picked up their masks and gloves.  As they walk out , they greet eachother with a wave, no hugs ,no goodbye kisses only a wave. In tradition  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 11:02 AM
By Sweety Singhal in Poetry | Reads: 882 | Likes: 0
कभी सोचा नहीं था ऐसे भी दिन आएँगें  छुट्टियाँ तो होंगी पर मना नहीं पाएँगे  आइसक्रीम का मौसम होगा पर खा नहीं पाएँ  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 11:07 AM
Childhood (poem)
By priyamita in Poetry | Reads: 265 | Likes: 0
Miss those childhood days, so innocent and carefree..  Where dreams were as impossible as they could be.. Of summer vacations-story books and ice creams..  Like old photographs, long-forgotten it seems..  We sure had high hopes- Let's start a band..  Or be rich and famous-So give  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 11:27 AM
By ritika rasal in Romance | Reads: 333 | Likes: 0
"When your commitment is deeper than sea. And your ambition is taller than the mountains." He is a Shield, hard, tough, can bear any pain, any wound, no one can break him easily, he is mend to protect, to protect his woman, to protect his love from the attack in battlefield of life. She is fie  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 01:03 PM
Loosing My TRUST
By Karuna Verma in Poetry | Reads: 386 | Likes: 0
She has a bookshelf for a heart,  And ink run through her veins.  She'll write you into her story,  With typewriter in her brain.  Her bookshelf's getting crowded,  With all the stories she penned,  Of the people who flicked through her pages,  But closed the book   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 01:59 PM
Flowers of love
By paromita Chaudhury in Poetry | Reads: 280 | Likes: 0
Red roses, daffodils, daisies.. How do they look? Sweet do they smell? They say flowers are beautiful, fragrant I have seen none; how can I tell? Flowers, sweet flowers.. Symbol of love, expression romance.. Have you ever been loved? Felt the music in your heart? Or its dance? They say, flowers li  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 03:55 PM
A Fairy Tale
By Abhishek Shashank in Horror | Reads: 330 | Likes: 0
  It was 2 AM at night and Abhay and Nisha were back to their stay after a friends engagement party.The stay was a room arranged by the hosts in Part street,Kolkata. “ I will go change” Nisha said. Abhay figured that all other girls also must be changing inside so he went up to the   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 03:38 PM
By Vaishnavi Tiwari in Poetry | Reads: 564 | Likes: 0
Chaos Are you afraid to show the world  real you Cause it will be tough deal to carry you But aren't you afraid if you don't show them the real deal This world will run on the lie wheel So many wrong doings will unreveal And many real feelings will be killed Oh honey!!  Don't fear if they   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 03:42 PM
By shireen ahsan in Poetry | Reads: 743 | Likes: 0
Life As I stood gazing out of the window  I always wondered about the journey called “ life” As I understood its a beautiful sprinky mix The right mix of love positivity, serenity, passion and calm mix these together  make a beautiful sundae top it with Kindness  Garnish i  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 04:21 PM
That day !!
By Ravioli in Romance | Reads: 267 | Likes: 0
       She was on her way back to where she belongs to since three years ago. Even thought she loves to be around her family pronitha prefers to live away from them . For her tat was a cooked up reason that can make them miss her more.she believes, the life away from them has mad  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 04:59 PM
यादों के आईने में
By ankita srivastava in Poetry | Reads: 1,420 | Likes: 0
यादों के आईने में जो देखती हूं खुद को तो चेहरा तुम्हारा क्यों आता है नजर में जाने कब का टूटा जो ख्वाब था इक फिर ख्वाब   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 05:42 PM
खुदा करे
By Shivam Agrahari in Poetry | Reads: 1,117 | Likes: 0
खुदा करे तुझे उम्र भर मेरी कमी हो खुदा  करे  तेरी  उम्र  दराज  हो.... खुदा  करे  तू  उम्र  भर  रोये  मेर  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 05:44 PM
The Letter
By Adarsh Pradeep in General Literary | Reads: 402 | Likes: 0
To, The Chief Minister of Kerala, The ‘Democracy of India’   23rd-March-2020   Sir,   I know you might be busy with the Corona episode but still, I cannot restrain myself from writing this letter to you. Myself Deb from Karbi Anglong, Assam. And yes, you guessed it right,   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 07:02 PM