sanju g prakash’s Trophy Cabinet

05 Badges 01 Book

Pro Author

These quests are a testament to the determination, perseverance and grit of an author. Designed to celebrate authors and their achievements these badges are awarded on the completion of sales milestones.

The Debut

First book published

The First Step

First book sold

Ten-acious author

Sale of first 10 books


Sale of First 25 books

Pro Author

Sale of First 50 books

100 Author Club

Sale of First 100 books

200 Author Club

Sale of First 200 books

500 Author Club

Sale of First 500 books

1K Author Club

Sale of First 1000 books

2.5k Author Club

Sale of First 2500 books

5K Author Club

Sale of First 5000 books


These quests celebrate authors who go the extra mile to get their thoughts and ideas out there. Industrious authors are awarded these badges on the completion of Direct Sales milestones.

Champ - Bronze

Direct Sale of 50 books

Champ - Silver

Direct Sale of 100 books

Champ - Gold

Direct Sale of 200

The Networker

Direct Sale of 500 books

The Influencer

Direct Sale of 1000 books

International Sensation

These quests are meant to celebrate authors for whom borders don't exist. Designed to celebrate profound ideas that resonate globally, these badges are awarded on the completion of International sales milestones.


First International Sale

Global Fame

Sold 50 books Internationally

Globe trotter

Sold 100 books Internationally

International Sensation

Sold 500 books Internationally

Digital Dominion

These quests celebrate authors who break technological barriers to find a way to reach their readers. These badges are awarded to authors who are technophiles on completion of ebook sales milestones.

Binary Baron

Sale of First 10 ebooks

Electronic Earl

Sale of First 25 ebooks

Digital Overlord

Sale of First 100 ebooks

The Crown

Sale of First 1000 ebooks