Truth dares honesty
By Rishabh Chaudhary in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 384 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Equivocally talks Equality With a desire to talk to none We live in a society  Were ego seems to overpower us A desire which we have  to live in the service of others  A day's ego is letting us To die for one another Suddenly we seem to move ahead With a false perception of one    ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 06:05 AM
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 328 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I dote on sunrises while the world slumbers on a sunday morning I stand under the yellow-flowered tree At one lonely cornor of the people-less street Staring at that one magnificent creation A glorious ball of righteous incandescence slowly peeking through the saffire drape radiating the very first   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 06:41 AM
Once upon rainy night
By swapnil in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 528 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
it happened on 29 augustnight.In morning I was in deep sleep, when suddenly my wife come into room and printed kids on my face.wished me"happy anniversary marriage day.I just forgot it.I saw an excitement puzzle on my wife face.then I repeated process and again wished her also.Since midnight occurre  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 08:20 AM
Once upon rainy night
By swapnil in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 433 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
it happened on 29 august night.In morning I was in deep sleep, when suddenly my wife come into room and printed kiss on my face.wished me"happy anniversary marriage day.I just forgot it.I saw an excitement puzzle on my wife face.then I repeated process and again wished her also.Since midnight occurr  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 08:26 AM
Your World, My Lord Has Failed!
By Sanjeev Gargish in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 236 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Brahmins are supposed to appease the God, sing hymns in His praise.    This brahmin, however, is somewhat different. He also believes in giving his piece of mind to the Creator.    Well, this composition of mine is addressed to the Almighty :    Your world, my Lord, has  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 09:16 AM
A Poem For The Silent Lovers.
By Sanjeev Gargish in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 439 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Love is the most beautiful thing in this world.    Love is the golden chord that binds one with this otherwise ruthless world.    Without love, life is simply meaningless.    Just observe keenly the activities performed by an individual. You will be surprised to find th  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 09:28 AM
By Srijeeta Bose in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 531 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Again the Sun will shine, There'll be no Quarantine. Keep the ray of hope alive, For it's the journey to survive. We'll come through with flying colours, And get rid of the darkest hours. There'll be an end to this lockdown, And the Doctors deserve the crown. For they are the warriors, Who fought th  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 09:46 AM
Curious case of Shriya
By Abhishek Mohan in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 582 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Everyone questioned Apurv when he married a cancer patient. Even I did. But soon we realised what it was all about. Life isn't just about studying, getting a job, getting married and having kids. It's more than that, like making the last wish of a dying girl true and Apurv did the same. He was more   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 10:14 AM
A Tale Untold
By Anushka Chatterjee in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 955 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Master Mahesh, a sturdy man of fifty, had mastered the virtue of patience. The insignificance of his frivolous youth had cultivated in him, the value and need of it. “When best used, patience does wonders,” once taught his mother. Thus he glanced at his cracked wristwatch, mopped the dro  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 10:15 AM
Inkling of something wrong happens tonight
By Shweta in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 263 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Today there is a strange uneasiness,                the heart is feeling a bit heavy,                              the heart is terrified, Only tears are coming from eye, Looks like you  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 11:29 AM
Book titled "Solar flares and the cosmology"
By Ashwini Sathnur in Sci-fi | कुल पढ़ा गया: 854 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0 The book titled " Solar flares and the cosmology" builds new knowledge on the subject areas of Innovative mathematics and space sciences. The book furnishes an in - depth insight on the impacts of the solar flares on the planet Earth and al  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 12:00 PM
Love yourself
By Ashish Nagargoje in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 258 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Love yourself and try your best to make your life beautiful, find beautiful colours of moments and memories to make it colorful. When you realize World count starts with yourself, you will believe how important you are and will start to make your ways to reach to destination you have dreamed for. Lo  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 01:03 PM
Glitters and our palette
By Sohini in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 515 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
" Great, the painting's ruined, and it's just the first stroke, I did. And here we were talking about a beutitful ending stroke." She had exclaimed placing the paint brush aside her getting another reason to assure herself there's literally nothing, nothing at all she can do without just ruining i  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 01:07 PM
The War at Hand
By Tanya Brooks in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 856 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I had strolled out, After days. Which seemed likes centuries, If I had my way. I wished to see... The cars, the poeple. To hear the noise And be a part of the entertainment. Alas! My dreams were squashed To a mere zilch. And somehow I felt a pinch. A pinch of reality. It made me see the pain, the   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 01:25 PM
Marital Rape
By Sonam Jain in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 675 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I wanted to study but all my dreams they caged My aspirations got no chance to be staged My dad held my hand and gave in his hands My castle lay shattered as it was made of sands I walked off to his place with a heavy heart  All my clothes,jewellery and money was loaded in a cart All the ritual  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 22,2020 01:45 PM