By Ruprekha Buragohain in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 248 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
THANK YOU TINY TEAR. ..  For some it's crystal of nature,  for some it's as precious as emerald,  for few it's the tears of the creator  and for some each tiny drop  is a wellspring of purity and happiness.  Fount of inspiration to artists,  personifying each drop   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 26,2020 06:21 PM
Alone at Home
By Deepa Aiyar in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 247 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Alone at home    The road to the land beyond is a lonely journey  We are all alone bereft of any company  At time of departure everything  is a blur The light grows dim, only voices are heard and our own ( voice) becomes a slur Death is a reality which will hit us all one da  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 3,2020 12:09 PM
Inside a Violin
By Darsheeka Singh in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 247 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I see... That I can make you smile when I smile, But listen to that which I have to say Before you believe that what I gave you Is carefree, unadulterated happiness. Dear You, With me, you will feel like You are inside a violin With the sun peeping in through its holes. But inside me, you will un  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 2,2020 06:04 PM
By Anushka in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 246 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
On a face etched with cheerThere is this lonely twitch of Lingering fear.Amongst all the happiness Shining bright like a flame alight Is the dark spot of lonelinessStuck in the vortex of sorrowWith handful of hope Searching for light of tomorrow.Swimming in a sea of headsVenturing deeper inside Hopi  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 2,2020 12:42 PM
Music To My Soul
By Aathira Ajith in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 246 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
It was a starry night and the moon was shining soo brightly that no other light was needed. The slow cold wind and the smell of the wet sand just made the night even more peaceful. I could feel my soul being lifted. Feeling so close to nature I decided to go out for a walk.I took my bag, locked my r  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 3,2020 08:01 PM
Blame game
By Smrithi Juanitha in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 246 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
We are all so lost in a game.... Ohh well, I ain't talking about Pubg..! This one is more serious concern and is played even by non-game lovers. It's the 'Blame Game' Yes, Blame Game..! We often play this game, ironically we do not even realise we are winning it too. At times, we do not even realise  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 26,2020 02:50 PM
My Companion
By puneet chhatwal in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 246 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Clock strikes 6:00 pm And im up for a shot To the roof I know you are about to come And I cannot make you feel aloof For in you Resides my special best Far away from the worldly rest   I plan to sit every evening Bidding the sun a goodbye And welcoming you with a sweet sigh!  A sigh of Rel  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 29,2020 03:36 PM
Earth is healing
By sakshi ahuja in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 246 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
If Mother Earth is healing with this lockdown,  I am happy that we cant go out. If animals, birds & other endangered species are sharing their presence with us, then I am happy that we are locked in. If the trees, flowers & fruits are blooming in the absence of pollution, then I am ha  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 12,2020 05:41 PM
Pain which she feels
By Shweta in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 245 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Pain which she feels sometime at night 2'o clock..and suddenly she wakes up! Wondering why doesn't this pain go away! Is this pain long last or forever exist; Is this pain comes with the promise?  Or Promise of Breaking her into fragments; This pain without a Messiah? Pain, Like a devil attacki  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 21,2020 10:52 AM
Know Corona, No Corona!
By AQSA SHAIKH in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 245 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Know Corona, No Corona! Damn! I want some family time,  I am tired of my work . Here you get it said the government, Lol! now ill go out like a jerk. I can not do this social distancing  What the hell is quarantine ? No virus can infect my swag. I'll party with other ninety nine. School  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 8,2020 05:51 AM
A Dark Place
By Krishika Agarwal in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 245 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
It was two in the morning andWe were at the rooftop.Just like in the movies,The time, for us, had stopped. Our hands were entwinedAnd so were our soulsWe had a lot to look forward to:Our lives, our futures and our goals. But in that moment,We just wanted to live.No prejudices, no biases,Just some in  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 07:02 PM
To my beloved!
By Dharani in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 245 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Curled up in your bedspread Like a layered piece of cake Helpless to rest that beady eyes Tilted totally away from me. I wish, my beloved to knead your arms hard Needless to spit,  look through your eyes, And kiss you Alright. For if you fell apart, break into portions, remember, you always fal  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 26,2020 12:41 AM
True To Me
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 244 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
True to meSmall miracles of everyday, feels true to me. Experiencing new energy everyday feels true to me. Making sensible arrangemens with no entanglement feels true to me. Bow down in gratitude regularly feels true to me. Off course! Nature notices our effortful actions, feels true to me. Managing  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 12,2020 02:53 PM
All things bright and beautiful
By Sangavi S in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 244 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
It was one of those gross working days at office. I staggered out to the bike parkingm mind filled with disgust for my selfish colleagues and hatred for the job, oblivious to the car honking behind me incessantly. And that was the last straw. I banged the window of the squeaky clean skoda then an in  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Jun 1,2020 03:54 PM
It's called life
By Napoleon Hajong in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 244 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
It's called Life In the light of the morning.. I came in this world.. Got abundance of love.. In the lap of my Mother and Father.. In the mid of the noon.. They walked carrying me on their back..  Telling sweet stories and making sure I am fast  asleep.. Raised me to grow in their life   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Jun 14,2020 06:44 AM