JUNE 10th - JULY 10th
Jeevan! Can you please adjust five thousand rupees this month? A colleague's request like authority sounded in his ears.
Buy me a good saree for Sravana month Puja. Their wife's wish danced on his head.
You promised me a PlayStation. The daughter's cute words made his pocket heavyweight.
That smartwatch which he is longing for for the past two years lured him once again with the advertisement for discount sales.
Why do you always fear? This month just invest in stocks, and you will get a profit. No one becomes rich by doing 9 to 5 job. The colleague started giving lectures. But ours is a shift job right. Not a fixed one, Jeevan said.
Everyone laughed in the group.
It's your wish. If you want to stay like this, we can't do anything. Another colleague decided on his future.
Jeevan wants to take a chance this time. He took some amount for rent and other household essentials and invested the remaining amount in stocks.
He forgot the chitty amount. To pay it he used the amount kept as emergency savings.
Within a week, he lost the money in stocks.
He is frustrated with the phase of life. All he wanted to do is to buy a new house, a new car, and give an education to his child in some rich school. Isn't it a big dream to have all of these?
He gave a thought to robbing a bank to complete all these wishes.
But, what if i get caught while robbing? My wife has to work as a maid. My child gets no good education. I think i am watching crime films a lot. Otherwise, why am i getting these ideas?
Jeevan talked with himself.
I think rich people don't watch much TV. By the way, they don't have time to put up with stuff that wastes time. I think we all middle-class people to stop watching TV & Films. We can save time and money. But, what can we do in our free time?
I will start a business. I will sell vegetables in the office canteen. Will they buy? No.No. If i sell them, they don't give a good price. I will try selling vegetables on street.
There will be heat on the road. I will start a business in winter. But, people eat more non-veg in winter. Who will buy vegetables from me? Jeevan observed a vegetable seller sitting under the shade of a tree.
His thoughts are flowing like the water which is overflowing from the tank when you forgot to switch off the motor.
Jeevan is walking toward a garden. When he entered the garden the sky is getting red blood color.
The garden is silent and he felt everything is looking blurry. He looked towards the left. There are people in his life who belongs to the upper-middle class. His legs tried to move towards them.
But, there is an imaginary wall that does not allow him to move toward the left.
He turned to the right side without any effort. There are people in his life who belongs to the lower middle class. He knows his family too in them.
Some imaginary force is drawing him towards the lower-middle-class side.
His friend Maya appeared in the small circle where Jeevan is standing.
Hey Jeevan! Come, let us go to an upper middle class, she encouraged.
Jeevan moved to the upper-middle class by holding hands with Maya. No force stopped him.
He looked at the lower-middle-class people now. To his surprise, Maya is present in them. He searched the entire upper-middle-class section.
Maya, Maya he waved and shouted.
Maya looked at him and laughed. She wore the same watch as him. Her teeth looked the same as theirs.
Dad! Dad! Jeevan's daughter sat on his chest and tried to wake him up.
Jeevan came out of the dream with his daughter's voice.
When he came to his senses, he understood there is no one named Maya in his life.
It looks breathtaking to visualize to construct the dream.
Is it a dual identity of mine? He questioned himself. Yes. It might be. Is it my rough childhood voice? I hope not.
Because most of us had a rough childhood. If everyone gets a depressing voice to haunt for a lifetime, i think everyone will be in therapy. But, how can middle-class people discuss mental health issues? Suffering becomes habitual after some years. Right?
So, there is no way I am reaching upper-middle-class status. My brain already created a dual identity to satisfy my dreams.
Oh my God! This is dangerous.
Sometimes my life is like Charlie Kaufman's movie he thought.
Too much information flows in every moment.
He ran towards the friend's house to discuss producing his life story as a feature film. At the crossroads, he felt there are people on both sides.
Divided by their class, craving for money to change their class.
: 20,833
5 (3 )
Exceptionally good with clear intentions with simple english
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